Tag Archives: STARFISH

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It’s Going To Get Worse)

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It’s Going To Get Worse) thumbnail

The nuclear disaster has contaminated the world’s largest ocean in only five years and it’s still leaking 300 tons of radioactive waste every day.



This “disease” has been ignored by the government and has decimated native fish populations, including the North Pacific herring. Elsewhere in Western Canada, independent scientists have measured a 300% increase in the level of radiation.

Further south in Oregon, USA, starfish began losing legs and then disintegrating entirely when Fukushima radiation arrived there in 2013. Now, they are dying in record amounts, putting the entire oceanic ecosystem in that area at risk. However, government officials say Fukushima is not to blame even though radiation in Oregon tuna tripled after Fukushima. In 2014, radiation on California beaches increased by 500 percent. In response, government officials said that the radiation was coming from a mysterious “unknown” source and was nothing to worry about.