Vaccine effectiveness generally varies from significantly less than 60 % to no greater than 95 %. However, in many instances, there is no proof that even those who are “fully vaccinated” are truly protected from subsequently contracting the claimed strain or strains of a disease or diseases, when the person inoculated is, at some future date, exposed to whatever strain or strains of that disease or those diseases for which some level of protection is claimed.
Therefore, the greatest harms that a parents’ alternative inoculation schedule probably will cause in the USA are:
a. The loss of revenue to the vaccine makers and, from the tax on vaccines, the US government, and b. The loss of income to those administering the vaccines.
In addition, absent exposure to the disease in a manner that triggers a clinical case of the disease, there is no inherent risk of harm to those children who are not inoculated with the vaccine against that disease.
Therefore, parents should limit their newborns’ exposure to others, especially those who are ill and, to the extent possible, minimize the infants’ exposures to public venues until their newborns are at least one year of age. Read more…