In yet another peer-reviewed study (the fifth in a little over a month), “Study of Some Biomarkers in Hair of Children with Autism” published in the journal of Middle East Current Psychiatry 2011, 18:6-10 by investigators from the Departments of Psychiatry, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt, describes a significant link between mercury and autism. These investigators then reported [emphasis added], “Geier et al. [11] suggested that emerging evidence supports the theory that some ASDs may result from a combination of genetic biochemical susceptibility, specifically reduced ability to excrete mercury, and exposure to mercury at critical developmental periods. They also pointed the role played by protective factors (e.g. estrogen, glutathione, selenium, and vitamins) and exacerbating factors (e.g. antibiotics, concurrent heavy metal exposure, such as lead, arsenic, and androgens).
I along with Dr, Amy Holmes and Mark Blaxill published a paper with exactly the same results in 2003. The results of our paper was totally dismissed by the 2004 IOM committee that concluded that further research on any thimerosal-autism connection should not be undertaken. Indeed, in the USA such research is rarely if ever funded and reports like this one are done in foreign countries. It is my opinion that the worry of the IOM in serving the desires of the CDC was that research would confirm what they already knew—the CDC mandated vaccine program started this autism epidemic by injecting into children toxic levels of thimerosal. Remember, mercury is the only toxin that is gender selective, it affects males more quickly than female and this is a requirement for the putative environmental toxin that likely “causes autism”. It is a shame that research on this most logical causation of autism is not supported by NIH and the CDC, or others who obtain funds for autism research.