Category Archives: Agriculture

Cows BRED FOR CLIMATE CHANGE: FDA Shortened Approval Process for Risky Gene-Edited Beef Cattle

FDA Shortened Approval Process for Risky Gene-Edited Beef Cattle Resistant To Heat

Excerpt :In recent years, the FDA has given the thumbs up to five applications for five gene-edited animals: chicken, goats, salmon, rabbit, and pigs. However, this latest approval is a first for the FDA, because the genomic alteration can be passed onto offspring, allowing the trait to be shared through conventional breeding.


The Great Reset’s fake food agenda: THE LIES BEHIND LAB CULTURED MEAT

lab-grown-meat-companies-pdf  (DR. MERCOLA)

Story at-a-glance

The GMO industry ­ which is funded, propped up and defended by the tech and chemical industries ­ is now seeking to replace beef, poultry, dairy and fish with synthetic biology, cultured meat, precision fermentation, cellular-based and gene edited foods

Transitioning to cultured meat, made from animal cells grown in a petri dish, is a Great Reset goal for the global food industry. The aim is to control populations by creating dependence on private companies that control the food supplyThe EAT Forum, cofounded by the Welcome Trust, has developed what they call “The Planetary Health Diet,” designed to be applied to the global population. It entails cutting meat and dairy intake by up to 90%, and replacing it largely with foods made in laboratories, along with cereals and oil

Cultured meat (cell-based meat) is produced from animal tissue cells that are grown in fetal bovine serum (FBS) made from the blood of cow fetuses. So, cultured beef relies on the slaughter of both cows and unborn calves, which are drained of their blood while still alive

Plant-based meat alternatives contain no animal fats, only industrial seed oils that are loaded with linoleic acid (LA). Excessive consumption of LA in the modern diet is already one of the key drivers of chronic disease, and plant-based meat substitutes will only worsen the situation

VLA Comment: Biden administration, The new Green Deal…no fossil fuels, no meat…all part of the GREAT RESET.

Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef

Bill Gates and Richard Branson are betting lab-grown meat might be the food of the future


20 Million Acres of Farmland Contaminated from “sewer sludge” used as fertilizer


Sewage sludge is a product of wastewater treatment.  Wastewater and stormwater enter the sewage system and flow into wastewater treatment facilities, where the solid wastes are separated from the liquid wastes through settling.  At this point, they are processed and “digested,” or decomposed by bacteria.  These separated processed solids – sewage sludge – contain numerous known and unknown hazardous materials.  This includes everything that is flushed into the sewer system, including: household, medical, chemical, and industrial waste; chemicals and metals that leach from the sewer pipes themselves; and novel materials that are created in the wastewater treatment plant as a result of the combination of chemicals and organic compounds present.

Once treated, sewage sludge is then dried and added to a landfill, applied to agricultural cropland as fertilizer, or bagged with other materials and marketed as “biosolid compost” for use in agriculture and landscaping. That’s right – this chemical soup, often full of toxic compounds, nanomaterials, hormones, and dangerous pathogens, are applied to the very food we eat.  While certain sanitation processes do decrease some health risks, chemicals such as PCBs, flame retardants, heavy metals, and endocrine disrupters – many of which are carcinogens – are not filtered out.  Instead, they accumulate in the soil and are taken up by crops, putting human health at risk.


Global Food Crisis on track to force the Global Reset…Watch the astounding cascade details


Farmers and Truckers Stopped from Providing Food as Supply Chain Is Destroyed

Ice Age Farmer gives examples around the globe of how supply chains are being destroyed to cause food shortages. Unvaccinated consumers have been denied access to food through vaccine passports. In Western Australia, unvaxxed farmers will be prevented from delivering their grain crops. New trucking regulations will require truck drivers crossing the US-Canadian border to be vaccinated. A document from Botswana stated that the country will not import staple crops, which will ensure food shortages, in order to “enhance the RESET AGENDA.”

URGENT: MASSIVE TAKE OVER OF ORGANIC LIFE: Green Finance is NOW Monopolizing the Planet

How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet with Whitney Webb (Corbett Report)

VLA Commment: THIS IS URGENT TO FORWARD: This is a neo colonial imperialist project on a massive scale taking ownership of organic life,virtually stealing all natural resources and property world wide and destroying us as a species.Whitney Webb returns to the program to discuss her recent work on the “green” transformation of the global financial system.

From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world’s natural resources, and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution.


Eminent Domain on Farmer’s sub-surface Land by Federal Government/ Farmers asked to destroy their crops






Decarbonization TERRAFORMING of planet Earth is now under way… giant machines to be installed in Iowa to suck “life molecules” out of the atmosphere and cause global crops to FAIL


The war on carbon is a war on carbon-based life… and that’s us! “Decarbonization” is depopulation. Eliminating carbon means eliminating the human race.

The decarbonization terraforming of planet Earth is now under way. A new project has already been launched that will install mega machines across five U.S. states to harvest “life molecules” out of the atmosphere in an effort to shut down photosynthesis and unleash global food crop failures that destroy human civilization.

Farmland is already being seized in Iowa via eminent domain to build the mechanical infrastructure that will render Earth’s atmosphere inhospitable to plant life, animal life and human life, if it is allowed to continue to operate.  Landowners will be compensated for the use of their sub-surface geology, which is also called pore space. Which they will want to do because they will be paid highly.  After the disruption to build the pipeline, they can resume their farming and continue to get paid for their underground rights.


Carbon capturing and sequestration (CCS) technology captures carbon emissions produced by agricultural processes (like ethanol production) before they reach the atmosphere. The captured greenhouse gases are then processed and compressed into a liquid form that can be safely transported to a sequestration site, where the CO2 is securely and permanently injected approximately a mile underground beneath thick layers of rock with continued monitoring. After injection, the CO2 will remain trapped beneath the caprock and begin to dissolve and mineralize.

Because sequestration occurs deep underground, far below water resources used by communities and farms, landowners’ use of the land will remain unchanged. Landowners will be compensated for the use of their sub-surface geology, which is also called pore space.