Category Archives: Eugenocide/Population Control

Washington State passed law to outlaw gasoline-powered cars

Washington state legislators passed a law to outlaw most new gasoline-powered cars in the next eight years.

SB 5974, which was recently signed (pdf) by Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee, establishes that “all publicly owned and privately owned passenger and light duty vehicles of model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in Washington state be electric vehicles” and creates an “interagency electric vehicle coordinating council.”


11 California Vaccine Bills…CALIFORNIA IS DEAD!

SB 866 would allow kids 12 to 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent;

SB871 adds the Covid-19 injection to the list for public and private schools regardless of FDA approval. No personal Belief Exemptions (PBE) are allowed and Medical Exemptions (ME) are very rare;

SB920 authorizes the medical board to inspect a doctor’s office and medical records without a patient’s consent;

SB 1018 would require online platforms to be more transparent about how information is pushed out to consumers;

SB1184 authorizes school health personnel to disclose child’s medical information to a third party without consent from parents;

SB1390 prohibits any person/ entity from making statements government deems untrue or misleading by any means including on internet/ ads;

SB 1464 would force law enforcement officials, including independent sheriffs, to enforce public health orders or lose their funding;

SB 1479 would require schools to continue testing and to create testing plans;

AB 1993 would require all employees, including independent contractors, to show proof of COVID-19 vaccine to work in California;

AB 1797 creates an immunization tracking system giving all government agencies access to vax records of all persons;

AB 2098 would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary action.

Candace Owens and Dr. Malone

Excerpts: Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances go in the body, also showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.

A Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab also found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs.


Corona Investigative Committee

For the case, we recommend you to get started by watching the following video. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an experienced trial lawyer licensed in Germany and California (USA) and co-founder of the Berlin Corona Committee, summarizes the Committee’s findings to date and takes stock of the situation. This is the level of knowledge on which the Corona Committee builds in its weekly meetings.

Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has been conducting live, multi-hour sessions to investigate why federal and state governments imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the Coronavirus response and what the consequences have been and still are for people.


WOW! The real deal about MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY THERAPY for Covid

On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I was joined by Dr. Carrie Madej. It was actually quite challenging to isolate an individual topic to highlight in this article because she drops multiple bombshells in the hour-long interview. I chose the monoclonal antibodies topic because it may be the most pressing for those who are currently experiencing or may soon be experiencing the rapidly spreading Omicron variant.

“Even in the freedom movement, the ‘anti-vaxxers,’ people are against getting these injections or genetic modification devices, really, but then I see those same people run to get the monoclonal antibodies and I think, ‘Oh, you just have no idea,'” she said.

“There’s a problem also with the human-mouse antibody cell line,” she continued. “It has a trade name called VelocImmune. So, I knew this, I recognized this from years ago when I had a very big practice here in Georgia. I took different cases, complicated, and of course I got cancer patients. Well, many of them were breast cancer patients that were put on a newer chemotherapy agent immunotherapy.

“And they use this same mouse-human line. It’s called VelocImmune, okay. So they took that line and they put this in this chemo-agent. At first, the people looked great. These women were doing wonderfully. ‘I feel good. My tumor shrank.’

“And then what happened within one to three years? Sometimes five but usually one to three years there was an allergic reaction, they called it, and a woman would come back loaded with cancer. All the organs looked like they had melted together. I couldn’t, nor could the radiologist, tell one organ from another. So, it was a fulminant, terrible reaction. This was a failure.

“They’re going to use the same mouse line on people right now. This is horrifying because, although people are only getting one or two of these doses, not many, this can’t be good.”

No, it definitely cannot be good. READ MORE…


INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA – NOVEMBER 15: Police officers monitor compliance with the lockdown in Innsbruck’s old town during the first day of a nationwide lockdown for people not yet vaccinated against the novel coronavirus on November 15, 2021 in Innsbruck, Austria. Starting today unvaccinated people may only leave their homes for a worthy reason, including going to work, buying groceries, going to the doctor or getting a vaccine shot. Austria is struggling to bring down a Covid infection rate that has reached over 770 infections per 100,000 people over a seven-day period. (Photo by Jan Hetfleisch/Getty Images)

                     The death of Europe

Mandatory vaccination spells the violent end of European liberalism.


In his Letter Concerning Toleration (1689), the great Enlightenment philosopher John Locke sought to ‘settle the bounds’ between the individual and officialdom. He wrote that even if a man ‘neglect the care of his soul’ or ‘neglect the care of his health’, still the authorities have no right to interfere with him. ‘No man can be forced to be… healthful’, he wrote.

To Locke, as to other great European thinkers whose ideas gave rise to our Enlightened continent, the desire to ‘save’ an individual is not a good enough reason to meddle with his soul or his body. ‘God Himself will not save men against their wills’, he wrote. Yet where God once failed, the EU hopes to succeed. Where even the Almighty once feared to tread, held back by the small matter of man’s will, of man’s right to govern his own soul and body, the bureaucracies of 21st-century Europe will now rush in. They will brush aside the apparently trifling matter of bodily autonomy, they will discard the rights of self-government hard fought for over generations, and cajole people by brute law to submit themselves to medical intervention.

VLA COMMENT: The enlightened communities of today, its Masters, Administrators and Gurus infer that only when the individual is self governed, having integrated Supreme REALITY -Source (Jesus…I go to the Father; the Father and I are one) can the collective enjoy a fluid spontaneous governance. (SAT YUGA),  We are now, according to the Eastern, Vedic thinking, in KALI YUGA,,,The age of ignorance and destruction, It is not going to gradually get better.  We are descending into the pit of deplorably horror and you ain’t seen nothing yet. 



  1. the final event in the divine plan; the end of the world.
    “the gift of eternal life at the eschaton”


Global Food Crisis on track to force the Global Reset…Watch the astounding cascade details


Farmers and Truckers Stopped from Providing Food as Supply Chain Is Destroyed

Ice Age Farmer gives examples around the globe of how supply chains are being destroyed to cause food shortages. Unvaccinated consumers have been denied access to food through vaccine passports. In Western Australia, unvaxxed farmers will be prevented from delivering their grain crops. New trucking regulations will require truck drivers crossing the US-Canadian border to be vaccinated. A document from Botswana stated that the country will not import staple crops, which will ensure food shortages, in order to “enhance the RESET AGENDA.”