Category Archives: Government experimentation on the public

Dr. Mc Collough PROTOCAL to remove spike protein from Covid RNA vaccines

Every Vax-Injured Person Needs to See This: Recovery Insights from Dr. Peter McCullough

“If we don’t address the spike protein, it’s not going to get better.”


Dr. McCullough recommends three key substances for those seeking recovery after the shots.

1.) Nattokinase. Why? It degrades spike proteins, as suggested by preclinical studies.

• Take 2000 units twice a day.

2.) Bromelain. Why? Similar to nattokinase, it also breaks down spike proteins.

• Take 500 milligrams once a day

3.) Curcumin. Why? Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

• Take 500 milligrams twice a day and combine with 5 or 10 mg of piperine to enhance its absorption.

That summarizes Dr. McCullough’s “Base Spike Detoxification” protocol.


Hydroxychloroquine: Added if there are signs of autoimmunity.

Ivermectin: Included if there are signs of persistent infection.

Colchicine: Used if there are significant signs of pleuropericardial problems (involving the membrane around the heart and lungs).

Nicotine Patch or Oral Aciclovir: These are considered if there are neurological symptoms like brain fog.

Low-dose Naltrexone: Used to enhance the body’s natural painkilling response and reduce inflammation.

Please save this post and share it with every vax-injured person you know.

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Dr. David Martin: Speech to the EU Parliament on the proof of racketeering WHO

Dr. David Martin gives a speech to the EU parliament concerning the WHO from Keith Coley on Vimeo.

If anyone is in touch with Tucker Carlson…he must interview Dr.David Martin

Embalmers find rubbery blood clots in vaccine injected autopsies

In a recent survey of 269 embalmers across four major countries and three continents, more than 70% reported finding strange fibrous white blood clots in significant percentages of corpses in 2023 — clots they were not finding pre-pandemic.

A similar survey conducted in late 2022 revealed that 66% of embalmers began finding the unusual clots in mid-2021, suggesting a temporal link to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, which began earlier that year. READ MORE…

Colorado nurses get Ebola vaccine

ERVEBO Ebola Vaccine’s ‘Shedding’ Problem

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) package insert for ERVEBO states that the vaccine “shed[s]” onto others 31.7% of the time and for up to 20 days after vaccination.This means that vaccinated individuals can spread the disease to those around them.


2014 USA Today Ebola vaccine “appears” to be safe

MAJOR DOWNLOAD: CORBETT REPORT: How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

VLA COMMENT: A MUST, MUST LISTEN TO WITH BOTH EARS POISED…Not to have this in your consciousness is like missing the big piece of the puzzle at a champion puzzle match.
How the Elite are Stealing Planet Earth

Video by Whitney Webb & James Corbett

Interview 1676 – Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb returns to the program to discuss her recent work on the “green” transformation of the global financial system.

From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world’s natural resources, and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

New York State first to ban NATURAL GAS HOOKUP


The New York State Assembly became the first state legislature in the nation to pass a statewide ban on new natural gas hookups late Tuesday, according to multiple reports.

The $229 billion state budget package will require almost all new buildings shorter than seven stories to go all-electric for cooking and heating by 2026 — with exceptions for manufacturers, restaurants, renovations and hospitals — while taller buildings would have until 2029, according to the Washington Post. While supporters argued that the law was necessary for the state to hit its climate goals, critics argued that it would raise expenses for homeowners in the state, where electricity tends to be more expensive than gas. READ MORE…