Category Archives: Vaccine Injection Room

31 Vaccine Documentaries…hot links

 1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –
 4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth –
 5. Vaccine Nation –
 6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines –
 8. Bought – Vaccine Industry –
 10. Autism – Made in the USA –
 13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate –
15. The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed –
 17. Man Made Epidemic :
 18. 50 Cents A Dose –
 20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette –
 21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines –
 23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? –
24. The Truth About Vaccines –
 27. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror –
 28. Sacrificial Virgins – HPV Vaccine Killing Kids –
 29. Healing from Vaccines  –
 30. Vaccines Are Militarized Bio Weapons – Author Patrick Jordan –
31 Vaxxed II – The People’s Story –

How to raise unvaccinated children – WHOLISTIC PEDIATRICIAN-FREE COURSES

How To Raise Healthy Vaccine Free Children


Everything you need to know to raise healthy, vibrant, milestone busting children. Includes detailed information on why and how to go 100% vaccine free, recover a vaccine injured child and fight vaccine mandates.

Free 12 part Course

Here are some course highlights…


  • Natural immunity vs vaccination
  • The failed history of vaccination
  • Germ theory vs terrain theory
  • Injection vs ingestion
  • Vaccine ingredients overview
  • How homeopathy was used to stop outbreaks
  • The role sanitation, plumbing and refrigeration played in mortality reduction
  • An overview of polio and all of the infections there are vaccines for
  • Vaccine failure and why outbreaks happen
  • Herd immunity
  • Vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies
  • Vaccine shedding and spreading disease to others
  • Vaccine safety testing
  • Manipulated and fabricated “science”
  • The problem with aluminum and mercury in vaccines
  • Vaccine industry legal immunity
  • CDC cover-up that vaccines cause autism
  • The role of MTHFR in vaccine injury
  • Detoxification after vaccination
  • The immunocompromised population
  • Chronic illness after vaccination
  • Vaccine injury, damage and death after vaccination
  • Autism
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Vaccine “science” and where it comes from
  • The mainstream media narrative
  • And dozens of other top


    • A birth plan
    • Home birth vs hospital birth
    • Vitamin K
    • Breastfeeding
    • Food, nutrition and immune building
    • Supplements for health and immunity
    • A natural home is a toxic free home
    • How to talk to your pediatrician
    • How to find a vaccine free doctor
    • Homeschooling
    • How to talk to others about your vaccine status
    • Special concerns (e.g., what about chickenpox parties?)
    • If you must vaccinate (e.g., by court order)
    • What to do when a child gets sick (extensive overview)
    • When to call your primary doctor or go to the ER
    • And dozens of other topics


  • Complete overview of therapies and resources
  • Detoxification – including zeolite
  • Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Essential dietary changes
  • Recommended supplements
  • How to find a doctor


  • How to talk with legislators
  • Social media activism
  • Creating your activist plan



Embalmers find rubbery blood clots in vaccine injected autopsies

In a recent survey of 269 embalmers across four major countries and three continents, more than 70% reported finding strange fibrous white blood clots in significant percentages of corpses in 2023 — clots they were not finding pre-pandemic.

A similar survey conducted in late 2022 revealed that 66% of embalmers began finding the unusual clots in mid-2021, suggesting a temporal link to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, which began earlier that year. READ MORE…

Colorado nurses get Ebola vaccine

ERVEBO Ebola Vaccine’s ‘Shedding’ Problem

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) package insert for ERVEBO states that the vaccine “shed[s]” onto others 31.7% of the time and for up to 20 days after vaccination.This means that vaccinated individuals can spread the disease to those around them.


2014 USA Today Ebola vaccine “appears” to be safe

Parkinson Disease (some links)

Parkinson’s disease (PD), or simply Parkinson’s, is a chronic degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that affects both the motor system and non-motor systems. The symptoms usually emerge slowly, and as the disease worsens, non-motor symptoms become more common. Early symptoms are tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking. Problems may also arise with cognitio.

Chemicals in the environment

Is Parkinson genetic?

Mitochondrial DNA damage and Parkinson

Vaccines linked to Parkinson Disease

VLA COMMENT:  If the Covid Vaccine is linked to Parkinson and Dementia, think of all the childhood vaccines with mercury and aluminum. As well, vaccines damage the mitochondria. A study I once read authored by some head Doctor at a big medical University suggests that his work shows that all mentally ill people have damaged mitochondria. Which came first, the chicken or the egg>



25 historical books that demonstrate vaccines have caused serious harm for 200 years

The 25 books in the ‘History of Vaccination’ series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question: “Are vaccines safe and effective?”

“I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest fraud in medical history,” Trung Nguyen wrote. Since 1796, the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced, every generation has been burdened by disease due to vaccination, he said.


VETS (ITALY 2023) “VACCINATED” all the ANIMALS… then they ALL DIED


On the other hand…It is being blamed on the drought

SOMMARIVA DEL BOSCO, ITALY (AFP) – An Italian farm became an open-air morgue earlier this month after around 50 cows were poisoned by young sorghum plants, an accident experts blame on drought. VLA Comment:  Which is true and which is a cover up?