Governor Brown, today, has signed into law the END OF RELIGIOUS OR PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS FOR ALL CALIFORNIA CHILDREN. Read more…
Excerpt from Gov. Brown’s message:
“Thus, SB277, while requiring that school children be vaccinated, explicitly provides an exception when a physician believes that circumstances-in the judgement and sound discretion of the physician-so warrants”.
SB_277_Signing_Message (full)
VLA Comment: I take this as saying that it is California “law” that the Dept of Health cannot counter a physicians judgement.
More comment: This model legislation will will proliferate nationally. Next State legislative session will be overwhelming, especially, New York and Iowa.
2. In the majority decision, the judges argue that “certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy” are now protected by Due Process:
This is not just an argument for religious waivers as in the language “personal identity and beliefs” but it could be argued that it is certainly offensive to parents individual dignity that the state should allow underaged children to get vaccines without the parents’ knowledge. And that the state and judges have the authority to force medical treatments on children against the parents’ deeply considered decisions regarding the health of their children. In this the state implies that parents make choices to harm their children. This is an effrontery to individual dignity and autonomy.
This leave us with the best possibility… free voluntary schools! No?
See my new Bibliography of ultrasound HUMAN studies. Ultrasound posited as a synergistic precursor for vaccine toxicity.
No…I believe that in the bill or an amendment…that you can’t have a “classroom”. That would mean that you can homeschool your child with Virtual education (IT) with which unfortunately Bill Gates has created a monopoly on Virtual education with CORE CURRICULUM embedded for the world brainwashing.
I believe that a bunch of parents can’t organize together and have a teacher teaching in a group without getting official State Licensure.
Talk about TOTAL COMMUNISM!!WOW!!!,now that this is through,whats next??OH! I know TOTAL GUN CONFISCATION!! Agenda 21 anyone!!??
They want you disarmed so that you can’t fight them off from doing this everywhere!!
It is time to gather the militias and remove the Gov.,they are what the 2nd amendment is there for!!,a tyrannical Gov.
Come one TRUE PATRIOTS get off your BUTS and go after these criminals!!,it’s time to put your necks on the line!!
Pingback: Infants get adult vaccine dosage - WeeksMD
Wow Jerry Brown..You’ve really sold out.. I can’t believe I voted for you so many times in my life.. Not this last time.. I guess maybe you’re mind controlled at this point..back in the never would have signed something like this.. Have you checked out all the injuries caused by these unsafe vaccines?? You should be signing a bill to make absolutely sure that vaccines are safe before anyone has one.. but you are also letting us get sprayed like bugs..from geoengineering programs that are in affect in our skies..letting us drink the neurotoxin fluoride in our water.. Wow.. I guess we know where you stand on AGENDA 21.. Thanks for nothing!!
Thanks for the reality check!
Exactly…Agenda 21