There maybe those who object to Dr. Laibow having entitled her video “I AM Adam Lanza’s Mother”. However, I am not one of those dissenting voices. She has taken a cosmic oversoul position. Perhaps she might have capitalized “I AM”. Dr. Laibow serves all of humanity as a potent voice and savior, throwing her powerful spear right between the eyes. She speaks for me, for the safety and health of the humanity. She is right on…she could have said “I AM Eileen Danemann’s voice”, “I AM the Mother of the Universe speaking! Listen to what she is saying. And if you can’t save the world…at least save your own child!
I have been advocating for this since 1998 when I was almost killed on psychiatric drugs. I lived and experienced what you have observed for 42 years with many patients. I have written my story and it is called Judging Judi. It is a book that every health care worker should read as I being a nurse educator can tell the story from both points of view, lying on the stretcher (for 7 psychiatric admissions;) and prior to that for thirty five years, standing around all four sides of many stretchers observing patients, especially post anesthetic and pre-operatively. Drugs do react differently to each patient and what they are calling psychiatric drugs now are the worst as they are so toxic to the brain. Let’s hope this video goes viral>>>