Science: Big Pharma’s Role in Iatrogenic Mitochondrial Diseases Caused by Vaccines and Prescription Drugs
Mitochondria research published during 2008, 2009 and 2012 in three journals – the Journal of Neuroscience Research, Journal of Toxicology, and Molecular Nutrition and Food Research – report the specific roles that two neurotoxins: ethylmercury (49.6%) in Thimerosal and aluminum in adjuvants—plus numerous pharmaceutical drugs, and all vaccines in general, play—or, more accurately, induce iatrogenic mitochondrial diseases, i.e., diseases caused by doctors, their treatments or medications. That aspect of the medical profession, by itself, should leave all medical doctors liable and wide open to medical malpractice lawsuits filed by parents of vaccine-damaged children and spouses or caregivers of adults damaged by vaccines and/or prescription drugs.