Tag Archives: Barbara

Barbara Loe Fisher & Mercola: Interview re: Forced Vaccination for Adults & children

“I’ve seen this evolve over almost 35 years now. It became clear several decades ago that the goal of public health officials and the medical trade organizations and industry was to have everyone in the country … have to get every single government-recommended vaccine … That is what I saw happening, but I didn’t know how long it was going to take.

“in 2015 we saw the most vicious assault I have ever seen on parents who take exemptions or who don’t give their children all of the vaccines.There were calls for these parents to be charged with child medical neglect, for them to be publicly identified and humiliated online, for them to be sued and for them to be jailed.At the same time, we saw an assault on doctors; doctors who were critical of vaccine safety, doctors who were giving children medical vaccine exemptions, doctors who were taking care of children who were not fully vaccinated. The rhetoric was over the top in terms of viciousness in 2015”.