Tag Archives: book

Teen Book on HPV vaccine “Paradox” (Kindle)


Paradox! @JennyHatch #Paradox

This fictional account of a middle school aged girls response to her best friends untimely death was written for children and teens between the ages of 9 and 18.

In this book 12 year old Abigail’s friend dies after an HPV shot and some of her friends are woefully sick. The story is a positive example for teens stuck in the middle of the debate.

Read first two chapters…

Paradox: a Novel by Jenny Hatch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y4DKMJT/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_WF88ybCEBKMQ5

No Nonsense Guide to Psychiatric Drugs

Have you ever experienced brain fog, strange moods, or suicidal thinking while on a prescription medication?

Do you wonder if your doctor gave you all the necessary warnings about the mental effects of what has been prescribed?

Do you sometimes think you might not need to be on all those drugs?

Chances are you have not been given the opportunity for Informed Consent, because you were not told what is really known (and not known) about what the drug is doing in the body and brain, its possible side mental effects, what’s known and not known about its safety, and the actual evidence regarding how well it works (or not).

Any drug that causes changes in mind, mood, emotion or behavior is, by definition, a psychotropic agent, regardless of whether it is prescribed in a psychiatric setting. Psychiatric drugs have the potential to cause the very things they claim to treat, or worse. Even common, non-psychiatric medications can have profound mental effects.  Buy

Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs: A Guide to Help Parents and Those who Work with Children Heal their Children Now

This book is a guide for parents and teachers to learn efficient and effective ways to heal special needs children now. One in six children has a developmental disability and one in five is neurologically impaired, there is no time to wait for so-called experts to eventually figure out what to do. Time is of the essense and you can use this book to heal these chronically ill children now. This book has specific information to help children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and other special needs, covering what to do about vision issues. allergy issues, learning issues, pain issues, behavior issues, and academics. The book also covers information on how to navigate the educational system from pre-school school through college, vacationing with special needs children, and career ideas for for beyond the school years. Buy now…

VLA Comment:  We have not read the book, but we received this recommendation from someone in our network.  Please leave a comment if you read this book.