This article will show that Omicron is likely an outgrowth of experiments to develop a Covid-19 variant causing serious disease in wild-type mice, and point at the person and the lab who was documented doing just that — Ralph Baric of UNC.
To give you a preview:
- Omicron is very unlikely to be a product of natural evolution of SARS-Cov-2 in infected people.
- While the original Sars-Cov-2 could NOT infect wild-type mice, Omicron readily does infect wild mice.
- It would take a very long time to naturally evolve Sars-Cov-2 to infect wild, non-humanized mice, without laboratory involvement.
- Baric’s article in Nature describes steps to genetically edit and develop a genome for such a mouse-infecting virus, derived from Wuhan Sars-Cov-2.
- Ralph Baric’s UNC owns US patent 11,225,508, which describes how he made a lab-made Covid-19 variant that infects mice and causes serious disease in mice (making Baric’s patented invention a bioweapon by definition).
- This patent by Baric makes UNC the only organization with a legal monopoly on his method of creating murine/human variants of Sars-Cov-2 due to patent protection
- Baric tested that his Mouse-Adapted (MA) virus is still capable of infecting human cells
- Baric also tested whether the new mouse-adapted variant could evade existing spike protein vaccines.
- Any design of mouse-adapted version of Sars-Cov-2, like Omicron, could only be done with UNC’s permission due to patent protection.