Tag Archives: shipley Legislators Wellbeing act


The Legistators’ Well-being Act of 2020

With the exception of several industries like teachers, health
care professionals, hospital workers no other industry has yet to conform with the HHS Adult Immunization Plan that has already been rolled out, with success, in these initial industries. Senior Legislators and legislator nearing senior status are particularly at risk. Additionally, mandating vaccination to state representatives will provide an excellent model for the consumer thereby giving compelling support for the NVP initiative to meet Healthy People 2020 targets. This bill will require that all Iowa State Legislators over the age of 50 receive the basic 3 prophylactic vaccines, flu, shingles, and pneumonia, or submit proof that they have already been vaccinated. The flu shot vaccination will be required every year and booster of shingles
and pneumonia given as needed. This bill also gives authority to the Iowa Dept. of Health to mandate other vaccines to legislators if it feels it is necessary during an outbreak of a disease and/or to maintain the health of the legislative body for any reason.  PREAMBLE and text

National Vaccine Plan (https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/nvpo/national-adult-immunization-plan/naip.pdf)

The CDC Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary


Rep. Shipley HR 297

VLA COMMENT: Unfortunately there is no penalty for not providing documents. Note: The 1986 National Vaccine Injury Compensation law also did not provide penalties for reporting Adverse Events for VAERS.  Therefore healthcare professionals do not provide reporting and hence VAERS is 90 -99% under reported

Iowa Legislator Well Being Act 2020


Vaccination is considered one of the most important public health achievements of the 20th century and continues to offer great promise in the 21st century. Vaccines save lives and improve the quality of life by preventing serious infectious diseases and their consequences. However, the benefits of vaccination are not realized equally across the U.S. population. Adult vaccination rates remain low in the United States. While the National Vaccine Plan (https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/nvpo/national-adult-immunization-plan/naip.pdf) provides a vision for improving protection from vaccine-preventable diseases across the lifespan, vaccination coverage levels among adults are not on track to meet Healthy People 2020 targets. The National Vaccine Advisory Committee and numerous stakeholder groups have emphasized the need for focused attention on adult vaccines and vaccination.

On the basis that ​State ​legislators​ are in leadership and represent an important sector of workforce:  All members should be​ present and​ in good health ​to ​represent their districts on very important critical matters to the people and the state. The fact that legislators are in contact with many adults who are unvaccinate​d, ​​due to the lack of mandates in the adult population​,​ puts them at risk.  With the exception of several industries like teachers, health care professionals, hospital workers no other industry has yet to conform with the ​HHS ​Adult Immunization Plan ​that has already been​ rolled out​, ​​with success, in these initial industries.   ​Senior Legislators and legislator nearing senior status are​ particularly​ at risk. ​Additionally, mandating vaccination to state representatives will provide an excellent model for the consumer thereby giving compelling support for the NVP initiative to meet Healthy People 2020 targets. This bill will require that all Iowa State Legislators over the age of 50 receive the basic 3 prophylactic vaccines, flu, shingles, and pneumonia, or submit proof that they have already been vaccinated.  The flu shot vaccination will be required every year and booster of shingles and pneumonia given as needed.  This bill also gives authority to the Iowa Dept. of Health to mandate other vaccines to legislators if it feels it is necessary during an outbreak of a disease and/or to maintain the health of the legislative body for any reason.   It is required that prior to vaccination, the Health Dept of Iowa provides each legislator with the following documents:

In the State of Iowa, prior to administrating a vaccine, a health care facility, health care provider, educational facility or hospital is required to provide to all patients, patient’s parent or guardian, employees, potential employees, and students, the following documents

The CDC Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary

Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf

1)The CDC vaccine excipient and Media Summary is required to be given to parents at every well baby visit highlighting the vaccines intended to be administrated.

2)The manufacturer’s package insert for each vaccine proposed to be administered

 3)NVIC/VAERS information statement (sheet) detailing:

the 1986 NVIC Federal law requirement that health professional must report, aka register an adverse event, of any alleged or suspected Vaccine injury to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)

In the case of Vaccine Adverse Event The NVIC/VAERS information sheet must include information, as to how the patient, parent or guardian, can apply to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program including but not limited to information regarding the application and rules for compensation. 

  1. The NVIC/VAERS information sheet will also include a VAERS PORTAL link where parents can research and collect VAERS data on historical and current adverse events, per vaccine, in the population
  2. All providers must report to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), any and all adverse reactions observed by them or reported to them by the patient, parent or guardian, potential employee, employee or student without restrictions of temporality. The penalty for not reporting adverse events is $1000 per omission
  3. The penalty for not providing the above information is $500.00


Recommend language for statue modification Document Vaccine bill:


                 This is applicable to all children, adults, and seniors:

1)    At least one week prior to an appoint for the administration of a vaccine[s] the healthcare provider is required to provide, the link to the manufacturer’s package insert for each proposed vaccine to be administrated.


2)    Prior to the administration of a vaccine,

At each and every health visit,  the healthcare provider will provide the official CDC Excipient Chart checking off (highlighting) the vaccine[s] to be given at that appointment… to ensure that the parent (patient) is aware of the ingredients (excipients) in each vaccine that is being proposed.


3)    The healthcare provider will also provide a detailed NVIC/VAERS information statement (sheet) detailing the Vaccine Adverse Reporting system (VAERS) as it concerns registering an adverse event and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program asit concerns the application and rules for compensation in the case of Vaccine Adverse Event.  The information sheet will also include VAERS PORTAL link where parents can research, current adverse events, per vaccine, in the population.

 4)     All providers must report to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), any and all adverse reactions observed by them or reported to them by the parent or other child guardians without restrictions of temporality. The penalty for not reporting adverse events is $1000 per omission.

5) In the case of hospital births and birthing centers: Healthcare providers of pregnant women such as, but not limited to OB/GYNs, will provide the same information as stated herein 1-4 to their pregnant patients.

6)  As it pertains to all employment requiring vaccines not limited to hospital workers, teachers   individuals shall receive the same information as stated herein 1-4.

7) Religious exemptions in the State of Iowa shall pertain to all individuals including but not limited to employment and education facilities.

8) Penalty for not providing documents $500.00