Tag Archives: Somali

American Somali Community Minnesota 1 out of 36 children are autistic

Many Somalis believe that their children’s injuries are related to vaccines.“My perfectly healthy son started having seizures within minutes after his 18-month vaccines,” Abdulkadir Osman Hassan told me in June “and the seizures have never stopped.” Hassan’s boy, now 14, is severely autistic. “I quickly determined I was not alone.”

Somali parents had already started a support group and were sharing with each other the terrible reactions their children were having to vaccines. “We don’t have a word for autism in the Somali language,” explains Hassan, who has an Associate’s Degree in Childhood Development.

“We never saw it in our country. We never heard of it. The adults in our community don’t have it, only our children.”


Minnesota: Somali community Measles epidemic 2017

Better measles than Autism…VLA

“During the last 10 years, there has been one death from measles, but that patient was an adult woman who was on immunosuppressive medications and had other serious health problems. (On the other hand, between) 2000 to 2017, there were 156 deaths related to the MMR vaccine.” — Dr. David Brownstein – Holistic Family Practitioner

The Somali community has seen an alarming incidence of ASD (currently 1 out of every 32 of their children are afflicted, the worst prevalence rate in any Minnesota demographic group, even exceeding the 1 out of 48 among the fully vaccinated white male children in Minnesota). Recall that concurrent with the alarming epidemic of ASD was a dramatic increase in live virus vaccines, mercury-containing vaccine and aluminum-containing vaccines. The incidence of ASD before 1986 (when the vaccine industry was exempted from liability for vaccine deaths or injuries) was 1 in every 10,000 Minnesotan children and the rate went to 1 out of 68 by the time  the number of antigens injected routinely into Minnesotan children went from a dozen or so to upwards of 80!

Somalian children never came down with autism in their native land. It was only after they became war refugees and emigrated to Minnesota and started accepting CDC- and Minnesota Department of Health-mandated MMR vaccinations that the epidemic affected the community.

By refusing the MMR, they were accepting the risk of acquiring benign measles infections but they were decreasing the risk of allowing their children to acquiring the dreaded (likely vaccine-induced) autism that would ruin their lives forever. Their decision makes imminent sense and they should be applauded instead of vilified.  Read more….