Tag Archives: supersensibilty

Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner) Covid Vaccines, supersensible experiences and BAD effects on AFTERLIFE

Thomas Mayer – Corona Vaccines PDF

First 17 pages what we know already about the vaccines.  The following pages are about the effects of these mRNA vaccines on the etheric, astral bodies, etc. as reported by supersensible healers, many associated with the Anthroposophical movement.

VLA Comment:  I am glad I read this.  Steiner also goes into the effects of psychotropic drugs Chemotherapy drugs, cyanide, morphine, etc on the AFTERLIFE experience…whoa!


This book deals with the question of how corona inoculations can affect the
super-sensible members of the human being and the afterlife.

These questions will be examined on the basis of empirical supersensory

How can the spiritual world be grasped with the modern powers of consciousness
and thinking? This was a question of the philosophers and writers of German
Idealism: Joahann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis, Friedrich Schiller
and Johan Wolfgang von Goethe.

In continuation of this spiritual inquiry, the Goethean researcher Rudolf Steiner
(1861-1925) became a pioneer of modern supersensible investigation. His 354
books with writings and lectures contain infinite depths. He attempted to create a
broad foundation for the science of the spiritual world on which humanity can to
further build.

It is not about a “harmless jab”, but about a powerful impulse to initiate a change

in the human body, so that it is damaged in its basic evolutionary function as the

vehicle for the soul-spiritual being of Man. This impulse can also block human being’s existence after death.