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School shooting/Automatism Defense

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Suicides and Homicides: SSRI Stories

“Suicidal ideations, homicidal ideations, mental health issues,” Trey Gowdy said on Fox News. “The overwhelming majority of mass killers suffer from that.

VLA Comment:  Unfortunately,  he mistakenly thinks that the solution is red flag gun laws.  the solution has been discovered by organizations and hospitals like the Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s, Sloan Kettering.  “No one should be given medications unless they take the Pharmacogenetic test (genesight labs)”  Homicides and suicides are caused by Doctors giving these young adults medications for ADHD, BiPolar,etc that they are lacking the liver enzyme (Cytochrome P450 super group) that would metabolize it out of the body.  Instead, without the corresponding enzyme that body accumulates the drug and poisons the patient to a point of hallucinations, homicidal ideations and suicidal ideations and events.  Read the Automatism Defense

PHARMACIDE: THE AUTOMATISM DEFENSE-virtual links to white paper by Eileen Dannemann


                             Automatism Defense

                Mental illness, Suicides, Homicides, Mass shootings

                          A white paper by Eileen Dannemann

                        Director, National Coalition of Organized Women


                                 1.  Outline compilation FINAL

                                  2. Discussion and Purpose

       photos shooters, suicides….THE EYES…



                                      3. Mass Shooters Images and text

   Preface and Summary of homicidal/suicidal events

                                       4. SSRI STORIES #1 & SSRI STORIES #2

  Excerpts of 6,000 homicides/suicides on prescription drugs

                                       5. The Automatism Defense

                                       6. Case Series and Review#1..Dr. Lucire

Antidepressant-induced akathisia-related homicides associated with diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP 450 family

                                       7. Review#2…Dr. Brogan

A literature Review of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Reaction for Antidepressant and Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs and General Medications

                                       8. SUICIDE AND MURDER…Dr. Mercola

                                       9. Cost Analysis#1

…of hospitalization and treatments: Psychiatry meets pharmacogenetics for the treatment of revolving door patients with psychiatric disorders

                                       10. Cost Analysis#2

Pharmacogenetic testing among patients with mood and anxiety disorders is associated with decreased utilization and cost