“I apologize again for the price you paid for my dishonesty…”–CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson to Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
Read story…
Wakefield- “Is the Press Release real”?
Thompson: Yes!
Wakefield: “Thank You. It was the right and honorable thing to do”.
Thompson: “I agree. I apologize for the price you paid for my dishonesty”.
Wakefield: “I forgive you completely and without any bitterness”.
Thompson: I know you mean it and I am grateful to know you more personally.
The last desperate effort when the CDC whistle blower story broke last week was for the vaccine establishment and media to drive a wedge between Dr. Thompson and Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose “fraud” (according to British journalist Brian Deer) has been made to carry the sins of the entire vaccine industry for many years. Dr. Wakefield shared two text messages with The Truth Barrier that he and his wife received from Dr. Thompson.
The first one was to Dr. Wakefield’s wife, Carmel, and it read: “I do believe your husbands career was unjustly damaged and this study would have supported his scientific opinion. Hopefully I can help repair it”.—Text exchange between Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. William Thompson, Aug 27, 2014
Polly Tommey, Director of Autism Media Channel, told The Truth Barrier there are more whistle blowers trying to find the courage, and or, the legal protection, to speak.
“There are more whistleblowers coming out,” she said. “We know who they are and we’ve spoken to them. They’re petrified. These sources make Thompson pale in comparison, some of them. They know the MMR is a massive problem, data has been corrupted, they’ve been told to hide things…”
Comment: One guy spoke about Gardisil. He said, ‘You can forget about MMR—Gardisil is one of the biggest crimes ever. 144 girls or something have died already. Thompson is only the beginning. “