Monthly Archives: February 2017

Mental Health deaths up 50% in three years

A shocking figure out of England shows that unexpected deaths among mental health patients have soared by nearly 50 percent in just three years. The term “unexpected deaths” can refer to suicide, misadventure, or neglect.

Luciana Berger, the country’s former shadow health minister, said she was “ashamed” to live in a country that allowed this to happen. From 2012-2013, 2,067 unexpected deaths were reported by the 33 mental health trusts that provided data; that figure had climbed to 3,160 by 2015-2016.


TRUMP support Asset Forfeiture laws (ugh)

While laws differ across the country, most states allow law enforcement to seize an individual’s assets or property on the suspicion they have been involved in criminal activity. Even if a person is found to be innocent, some jurisdictions allow the government to keep their property.

According to the Institute for Justice, a civil liberties law firm, the Department of Justice’s Assets Forfeiture Fund generated $93.7 million in revenue in 1986. By 2014, the annual figure had reached $4.5 billion — a 4,667 percent increase. The practice surged for years under the Obama administration. 

Last year, Ohio passed a law that prohibits taking assets valued at less than $15,000 without a criminal conviction. Other states also passed differing degrees of reform, including New Hampshire, Florida, Montana, Nebraska, Minnesota, Maryland and New Mexico.  READ…

Yale Study: Vaccines tied to neurological disorders

“This pilot epidemiologic analysis implies that the onset of some neuropsychiatric disorders may be temporally related to prior vaccinations in a subset of individuals,”

The researchers concluded that someone who’d received the flu vaccine within the last year “were also associated with incident diagnoses of AN, OCD, and an anxiety disorder.” These findings greatly expand the common understandings that vaccines are related to Autism and now include the other three brain-based illnesses. Read more…

YALE STUDY: Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case–Control Study

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Pertussis Infection in Fully Vaccinated Children in Day-Care Centers, Israel

CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases

The effects of whole-cell pertussis vaccine wane after 5 to 10 years, and infection in a vaccinated person causes nonspecific symptoms (37). Vaccinated adolescents and adults may serve as reservoirs for silent infection and become potential transmitters to unprotected infants (311). The whole-cell vaccine for pertussis is protective only against clinical disease, not against infection (1517). Therefore, even young, recently vaccinated children may serve as reservoirs and potential transmitters of infection.

We found that immunity does not even persist into early childhood in some cases. We also observed that DPT vaccine does not fully protect children against the level of clinical disease defined by WHO. Our results indicate that children ages 5-6 years and possibly younger, ages 2-3 years, play a role as silent reservoirs in the transmission of pertussis in the community. Read Study…


AGENDA 2: Exposes the tactics and strategies behind the co-opting of the “sustainable/environmental” movement. The Globalist’s Magnam Opus of fraud and corruption is “sustainability”  It has nothing to do with clean air, water and stewarding our resources that everyone is for, as depicted by Leonardo DeCaprio’s , Before the Flood.  Before the Flood is a Hollywood made, Globalist propaganda piece emphasizing a One World problem, Requiring a One World solution, managed by a One World government. (UN Agenda 21) Note: Agenda 2 also provides a detailed chart of the organizations and people behind the Globalist Sustainable agenda.


VLA COMMENTS: Notice images of UN and the Pope…The Globalist Agenda

Dutch Get Creative to Solve a Prison Problem: Too Many Empty Cells

About a third of Dutch prison cells sit empty, according to the Ministry of Justice. Criminologists attribute the situation to a spectacular fall in crime over the past two decades and an approach to law enforcement that prefers rehabilitation to incarceration.

“The Dutch have a deeply ingrained pragmatism when it comes to regulating law and order,” said René van Swaaningen, professor of criminology at Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam, noting the country’s relatively liberal approach to “soft” drugs and prostitution. “Prisons are very expensive. Unlike the United States, where people tend to focus on the moral arguments for imprisonment, the Netherlands is more focused on what works and what is effective.”

Recorded crime has shrunk by about a quarter over the past nine years, according to the country’s national statistics office, and that is expected to translate into a surplus of 3,000 prison cells by 2021. The government has shuttered 19 of nearly 60 prisons over the past three years, and a government report leaked last year suggested that more cuts were coming.




Gender bending chemicals are everywhere, literally impossible to avoid. They act as endocrine disruptors (EDs) that block, decrease, or overstimulate hormones. Most commonly, EDs mimic estrogen, lower testosterone and  prevent the male hormone from doing its job, causing males to exhibit more female traits. The resulting hormonal imbalances may be at the root  of disturbing worldwide trends for males that include delayed puberty, falling sperm counts, shrinking size of genitals, far fewer boys with far more genital deformities being born than ever before, and a rise in gender fluidity as boys are increasingly feminized. A similar effect is seen across the planet in wildlife, with reports of a rise in hermaphrodite amphibians, male fish developing eggs in their testicles and complete sex change in species with ED exposure. Governmental-industrial alliances have unleashed weapons of mass feminization throughout Planet Earth, involving all inhabitants in a dangerous and uncontrolled experiment whose results point to a dystopian future, the likes of which make Soylent Green look tame.


VLA COMMENT: In the early 90s Rachel’s Hazardous Newsletter warned us about “hormonal disruptors” such as Atrazine which is still used today in farming despite the warnings.  The newsletter said that male sperm count was down 50% since 1945 and that the male determines male on three critical days in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Titanium Implants and in food: Is it poisoning us?

Green Med:Titanium in food

Titanium, zirconium, ceraroot implants

Most important on the Titanium, zirconium, ceraroot implants notice in the bibliographical references, footnote # 4

Ultrafine titanium dioxide particles in the absence of photoactivation can induce oxidative damage to human bronchial epithelial cells Toxicology 2005