Italy Health minister proposes the strictest vaccine laws in Europe. And the biggest Free-Vaccine protest in the history of the world!
15,000 Free-Vaxxers marched in Rome under the hot summer sun to protest the new law that will increase mandatory vaccines from 4 to 12. They call themselves Free-Vaxxers to distinguish themselves from the No-Vaxxers, they want to stress that they are not anti vaccines, but they are pro-freedom; the freedom to choose if, when and how much to vaccinate their kids.
The Vaxxed team arrived in Italy for the movie premier of Vaxxed welcomed by the public and the local associations. The documentary immediately created a wave of consciousness in the public, a wave that the government has been trying to crush, first by censoring Vaxxed, and now by issuing the strictest mandatory vaccine law in Europe. Vaxxed has inspired people to come together to fight united for the right to choose to vaccinate their kids or not.
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