Category Archives: Liberty & Freedom Room

MAJOR DOWNLOAD: CORBETT REPORT: How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

VLA COMMENT: A MUST, MUST LISTEN TO WITH BOTH EARS POISED…Not to have this in your consciousness is like missing the big piece of the puzzle at a champion puzzle match.
How the Elite are Stealing Planet Earth

Video by Whitney Webb & James Corbett

Interview 1676 – Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb returns to the program to discuss her recent work on the “green” transformation of the global financial system.

From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world’s natural resources, and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Supreme Court Decision 9-0 Religious Freedom

If you don’t think this is significant, consider that virtually every large company in the United States is mandating that its employees take part in some sort of “Pride Month” event.

As long as the accommodation does not significantly increase the employer’s costs, employees should not worry about being forced to violate their religious belief.

The fact that this is a unanimous ruling is also a seriously big deal.

The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Groff v. DeJoy reinforced the First Amendment’s protections for religious liberty, making clear that no employer may discriminate on the basis of an employee’s religion.

For many years, businesses were free to refuse employees’ requests for religious accommodations or even fire them if doing so would result in more than a minimal, or “de minimis,” financial burden.

Christians who observe the Sabbath have found themselves unemployed as a result.

The Supreme Court just ruled last week that businesses can’t refuse to make reasonable accommodations because of the small cost or inconvenience to the business.

The Supreme Court found that employers must make reasonable religious accommodations under Title VII of the United States Constitution unless doing so would “result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.”

VLA COMMENT:  I wonder if colleges are in this same boat!

New York State first to ban NATURAL GAS HOOKUP


The New York State Assembly became the first state legislature in the nation to pass a statewide ban on new natural gas hookups late Tuesday, according to multiple reports.

The $229 billion state budget package will require almost all new buildings shorter than seven stories to go all-electric for cooking and heating by 2026 — with exceptions for manufacturers, restaurants, renovations and hospitals — while taller buildings would have until 2029, according to the Washington Post. While supporters argued that the law was necessary for the state to hit its climate goals, critics argued that it would raise expenses for homeowners in the state, where electricity tends to be more expensive than gas. READ MORE…

Planned Map of Post Russia…NO MORE RUSSIA

Planned Map of Post Russia…NO MORE RUSSIA (years in the planning by the West)

Gunther Fehlinger, Chairman of the Austria NATO non-governmental organization (NGO), publicly revealed today, the West’s “plan” for Russia: Broken-up into 41 new, autonomous countries! There wouldn’t BE a “Russia” anymore. Russia’s response was simple: If there isn’t going to be a Russia anymore, then there isn’t going to be a Europe or USA, either. World War 3 is officially on its way.

The revelation of this map is literal PROOF that it is the actual intention of the West to do-away with Russia.    By even manufacturing such a map, the West has shown its intent.   Russia now faces an ACTUAL existential threat.  Their very existence is at stake.

Think about the time and effort that was necessary to research the populations and ethnicities in each of these areas, where they are, and how to draw actual lines along the geography of the demographics, to create this vision of new, autonomous, countries.  The research and planning alone had to take . . .  YEARS.

Now that the map is actually out, and the entire world can see that the West has literally been planning for YEARS to completely do-away with Russia, we can all now see that the situation with Ukraine was intentionally manufactured BY THE WEST to provide the impetus to set in-motion, their nefarious plans.

Here is Gunther Fehlinger and the West’s (suicidal) map of a world without Russia:

        Free Nations post Russia FORUM

UTAH leads the way for Health Freedom (RIGHT TO REFUSE)

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, twenty-nine states in the USA have passed some form of “Right to Refuse” laws to protect against vaccine, masking, or testing mandates. Utah has been a national leader during this time, and they have passed seven Right to Refuse laws. The state has also passed a law allowing patients and doctors to contract out of official “medical norms” to allow physicians to use all their knowledge and wisdom, without a risk to their right to practice medicine. Last, a new film out of Utah offers a look at problems with the COVID-19 vaccines.



Vaccine Victory: Mississippi must provide the option for a religious exemption to Mandatory Vaccine Law

This ruling sets a legal precedent with the potential to change the entire nation.



On April 18th 2023, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), with their legal team led by lawyer Aaron Siri, had a historic win in federal court.

As a federal judge tasked with interpreting the United States Constitution, Judge Sul Ozerden issued a measured written opinion today recognizing that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution demands that a religious exemption option be provided if the state offers secular exemptions (which it does).

Practically, what this ruling means is that, by July 15, 2023, Mississippi must provide the option for a religious exemption to the state’s vaccination requirements for schoolchildren.

(Walker D. Moller, Attorney with Siri & Glimstad)

Mississippi Religious exmpt.Judge-Ozerden-Preliminary-Injunction-Ruling

VLA Comment: Current states without religious or personal belief exemptions for school immunization requirements are California, Connecticut, Maine, Mississippi, New York and West Virginia.

This ruling sets a legal precedent with the potential to change the entire nation.