The RxISK Medical Team has just finished the final draft of the “RxISK Guide to Stopping Antidepressants”. As of 2014, close to 10% of the population of most Western countries are on antidepressants more than 50% of whom are likely to be hooked on them. This guide focuses on SSRIs. (Selective Serotonin Re Uptake Inhibitors). […]

Documentary: The Hidden Enemy Within (psychiatry & the military)

Watch Documentary… THE HIDDEN ENEMY DOCUMENTARY EXPOSES THE COVERT OPERATION BEHIND MILITARY SUICIDES In early 2013, the official website of the United States Department of Defense announced the startling statistic that the number of military suicides in 2012 had far exceeded the total of those killed in battle—an average of nearly one a day. A […]

Breaking News: New York Times & Wall Street Journal (2/21/14) limit psych drugs in Medicare

NY Times: Plan to Limit Some Drugs in Medicare Is Criticized The Obama administration’s proposal would remove the protected status from three classes of drugs that has been in place since the program’s inception in 2006: immunosuppressant drugs used in transplant patients, antidepressants and antipsychotic medicines. They include many well-known drugs, such as Wellbutrin, Paxil […]

FOX NEWS: UPDATE on 15 year old locked away for almost a year by DCF.

For years Justina had been diagnosed mitochondrial disease, a relatively newly discovered disease, causing muscle pain and weakness. But her condition was made worse when she caught the flu in February. VLA comment: Mitachondria disorder appears to be an underlying condition in vaccine injury cases. How many vaccines has Justine gotten? Did she get a […]

Breaking News- THE NEWYORKER 12/13: Merck-Replacing Insomnia meds (ambien) inspired by NARCOLEPTIC dogs

EXCERPTS: Insomnia drugs like Ambien are notorious for their side effects. Has Merck created a blockbuster replacement?Excerpt: The Merck team was frustrated. The F.D.A. had just shown them the draft of a presentation, titled “Suvorexant Safety,” that would be delivered by Ronald Farkas, an F.D.A. neuroscientist who had reviewed thousands of pages of Merck data. […]

Military’s Prescription Drug Addiction and Soldier Suicide Epidemic

Excerpt: The pattern is relentless: young veteran, barely 30, over-medicated, and not only uncertain but grim about his future. He may still be married, but is likely divorced, possibly estranged from his children. His family frets over his physical and mental health, while taking careful note of his ups and his downs. Then one day, […]

BBC Journalist: Vaccine caused my psychosis and near suicide

Brabant believes, for the catastrophic events that overtook him, was a dose of Stamaril, a yellow fever vaccine, which he had received on April 15 2011. Since then he and Trine, 53, have sought answers about why he should have so quickly descended into a series of psychotic episodes after a routine jab. Now Malcolm […]

New Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s (Cytochrome P450)

Glyphosate is a major component of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Glyphosate was manufactured by Monsanto and is one of the most widely used herbicides around the world. A number of scientific studies surrounding glyphosate have shed light on its effects within the human body. It’s responsible for triggering health problems like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, heart disease, […]

Middle-Aged Americans Committing Suicide at Unprecedented Rate

Newly released statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more Americans now commit suicide than die in traffic accidents.1, 2, 3 Between 1999 and 2010, the suicide rate among American adults ages 35-64 rose by more than 28 percent, to just under 18 deaths per 100,000. Read Dr. Mercola […]

Monsanto’s Round Up (Glyphososate) inhibits Cytochrome P450 making the population insane

The main finding of the report is that glyphosate inhibits cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, a large and diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances.  Cytochrome P450 also manages glutathione production and detoxifies street and prescription drugs.  …[T]he recent alarming increase in all of these health issues (VLA comment: Autism, ADHD, OCD, […]