THE END GAME: TRANSHUMANISM – Vaccine Mandates; Child Protective Services, Agenda 21; Chemtrails, GMOS, Common Core Education

This interview of David Icke is a short but fabulous synopsis and overview  of the End Game.  Highly informative; highly enjoyable.  And is highly recommended that you have this in your awareness as you go about your specific mission.   Off putting, disparaging propaganda has plagued David for over 25 years, but now there are […]

Baby formula is loaded with GMO: Round up expected to increase Austim Rate 1 out of 2 children

(NaturalNews) A petition is circulating to persuade three of the top infant formula brands in the U.S. — Abbott Laboratories (Similac), Mead Johnson Nutrition (Enfamil) and Nestle (Gerber Good Start) — to stop using genetically modified (GM) ingredients in their baby products. Each of these powdered formulas is loaded with corn and soy byproducts, along […]

NYC Safe Law: Man’s gun confiscated after visit to hospital for insomia

Several days after his initial doctor visit, Montgomery went to the emergency room at Eastern Long Island Hospital, still complaining of insomnia. Staff there diagnosed Montgomery with “Depression; Insomnia” and he was prescribed medication and told to report back to his primary care physician if symptoms worsened over the next several days. Montgomery went back […]

Pharmacogenetics: Explaining school/mass shootings, suicides & homicides

Letter to lawmakers from Eileen Dannemann  Why our kids are increasingly being diagnosed as mentally ill. Dr. Renee Tocco Hunter Pharmacogenetic Testing.  Open letter on Antispsychotic Medication New business opportunity in Pharmacogenetic Testing (Dec. 2015)  Get on board!

Pharma in Schools: $99 million govt. grants for psyche evaluations in schools

Mass media have blacked out the Obama administration’s program which transforms our nation’s public schools in to lucrative referral centers for big psychopharma. On September 22, 2014 Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced $99 million in new grants “to train new mental health providers, help teachers and others recognize mental health issues in youth […]

Cause of Autism & Psychosis: The Detox link between Round Up (GMO) Foods and Vaccines-Cytochrome P450

Read Eileen Dannemann’s layman’s article on Cytochrome P450, Vaccine Injury and Round Up ready crops. Read recent study Stephanie Seneff (MIT) published research on glysophate   Cytochrome P450 Immature In infants and Children Another thing to consider is that cytochrome P450 is “maturing”. That is this major gene and detox pathway of the human body […]

Robin Williams-DEATH BY PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS, Gary Kohl, MD. (Cytochrome P450?)

  DUTY TO WARN – Robin Williams by Gary Kohl, MD Excerpt:  “Within weeks after Williams’ discharge from Hazelden’s Rehabilitation facility in Lindstrom, MN, he hung himself in the bedroom of his San Francisco home where he was certainly suffering multiple side effects from his cocktail of drugs. He left no suicide note, but certainly […]

Psyche drug statistics: Over 275,000 babies 0-1 are given psyche drugs

Reporter Kelly O’Meara, who for years has investigated psychiatry, cites statistics in her article at Children In Shadow. In the US, babies 0-1 years old are ingesting psychiatric drugs at these rates (for the year 2013): Anti-anxiety drugs (e.g., Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan)—249,669 babies. Antidepressants (e.g., Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil)—26,406 babies. ADHD drugs (e.g., Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta)—1,422 […]

Dr. Exposes Big Pharma’s #1 Secret

Dr. Exposes Big Pharma’s #1 Secret Published on Mar 7, 2014 Anthony Gucciardi interviews Dr. Group about some shocking statistics following antidepressant prescriptions. VLA Comment: About this most important message! It sounds like Dr. Group is a member of the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (CCHR).  I almost wrote, Human Health. It deserves to be […]

Graham Hancock quits Marijuana! WHY?

VLA Comment:  After 20 years, having started with just chilling at night with a joint, created an abusive relationship with marijuana, blazing through his stash everyday.  The Cannabinoids (CBD) are anti-psychotic while the THC gets you high.