When attorney Snee pointed out an article published in the American Academy of Family Physicians by the sponsor of bill, where she disagreed with her doctor and rejected his advice regarding a drug she was taking while breastfeeding her new born child, the hearing became quite interesting. The Oregon Senator and doctor who has sponsored this bill was sitting directly across from the attorney, and she became quite agitated. She basically argued that she had a right to make a “personal decision” for her and her baby based on her own research, which disagreed with the doctor who was a specialist in this area. She was angry at the attorney for bringing this matter up, but the attorney replied that he and other citizens of Oregon simply wanted the freedom to make the same medical decision for themselves.
Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. – Preserve Medical Freedom – Vaccines Linked to Autism | |||
2015-02-24 13:01:02-05
Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics who resides in Oregon. He took time out to attend the public hearing before the Oregon Senate Committee on Health Care, regarding Bill SB 442. This bill was written by Oregon State Senator and physician Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, and seeks to remove all philosophical and religious exemptions to vaccines in the State of Oregon. Dr. Paul stated that this bill, as it is written, is “a travesty.” He stated: “We need to protect our children and preserve the right for freedom of choice, and the right to give informed consent when your child is about to get a vaccine.” In testimony before the Senate Committee, Dr. Paul stated that he does not give every vaccine to every child in his practice, and as a result, he has over 1000 children in his practice over the age of 3, and NONE of them have autism. The rest of the country is seeing a rate of about one out of 50 children on the autism spectrum. He states that the “science is not settled” linking too many vaccines to autism, and that doctors like himself should not be coerced by bills like this one proposed in Oregon to give up the right to informed consent in regards to vaccines.
thank you for spreading the truth!!!
It’s a shame we couldn’t have an attorney who could speak confidently, passionately and articulately, instead of reading poorly from his notes. That being said, the ignorance of this woman is breathtaking. I very much respect and agree with her decision to take her family’s health in her own responsible hands but her inability to understand everyone else deserves that right is amazing. This is the perfect example of how these “elected” authorities view us. Rules are for US, not THEM, and her brain is simply incapable of understanding it any other way. You can see the anger in her face when it’s suggested she did what she is trying to prevent the little people from doing. She’ll fight to the death to poison all of you so long as she has the right to do what she wants for her own.
I could tell by the downturn of her lips, that she is taking anti depressants of some SSRI drug. That is probably what her doctor was telling her to stop taking when she was breast feeding. She has a sad face.
Pingback: Oregon Senator sponsoring ending vaccine exemption CRUSHES HERSELF | From the Trenches World Report
Vaccines : We are having our rights taken away. Everything Dr Paul said is right.
Do not force vaccines on people.
She has really done herself in on this one. This will be used to influence the legislators in California and all across the country
She says it herself breastfeeding is the best way to build the immuun system .
I am not a specialist but ,if she speaks the thruth wich can be verified,no problem,only she should
Realize that everyone on this planet should have the right to make their own decissions,you do
not harm anyone by not wanting a vaccin,and parents are responsable for their children.
After all no one wants their kids sick,or ill,when someone takes a decission he thinks first!(or she offcourse).
All the evidence out there against vaccination can be seen here;
Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines