Excerpts: In a Florida case described by Dr. Lyons-Weiler, a mother was still under the effects of medication following birth by cesarean section, when a nurse entered her room asking if she was ready for the shots for the new baby. The mother was confused. Ready now? Ready in general? She didn’t understand and she told that to the nurse.
Without any response to her confusion, the nurse proceeded to call Child Protective Services and the baby was seized by the state.
Hospitals need to be called out on this, says Dr. Lyons-Weiler. He recommends that, if a parent is threatened with CPS for refusing a vaccine, the parent should call the medical director of the facility and tell that person that they intend to seek damages.
[Note: in many of the stories that we have covered, we have seen that such threats, including any threats to sue or file malpractice charges, almost always result in the prompt removal of the child by CPS within 24 hours, and false allegations made by hospital staff that the mother has Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy/Factious Disorder.]
The doctor addresses a situation that more and more parents are finding themselves in – the refusal of the hospital staff to allow the parents and their baby to leave the hospital. Dr. Lyons-Weiler doesn’t mince words.