Monthly Archives: December 2010

Attention All Students with ADHD, ADD, OCD, Bi Polar

20 Million Kids & Adolescents are labeled with “mental disorders”. There are no brain scans, x-rays, genetic or blood tests that can prove they are “mentally ill” yet they are labeled, stigmatized for life and dumbed down with psyche drugs.
This is a very UPLIFTING video presentation by the best psyche drug watchdogs in the

25 %
of all United States kids are on prescription drugs. Read article…

The Metaphysical import of the Full Moon Eclipse, Dec. 21, 2010

The metaphysical condition opening on Dec. 21, 2010 Full Moon Eclipse according to Patricia Cota Robles. Now, we can Unify our hearts with the entire company of heaven. Together will we co create a new cause of love. That will be far more powerful than any of the human “mis-creations” that is causing humanity’s pain and suffering.

Outer appearances will only change if we change the source of the problem
Changing the superficial level is like attempting to change the reflection in the mirror as opposed to changing the object that is being reflected.

The prayer is beautiful!

The Metaphysical import of the Full Moon Eclipse, Dec. 21, 2010

The metaphysical condition opening on Dec. 21, 2010 Full Moon Eclipse according to Patricia Cota Robles. Now, we can Unify our hearts with the entire company of heaven. Together will we co create a new cause of love. That will be far more powerful than any of the human “mis-creations” that is causing humanity’s pain and suffering.

Outer appearances will only change if we change the source of the problem
Changing the superficial level is like attempting to change the reflection in the mirror as opposed to changing the object that is being reflected.

The prayer is beautiful!

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Standard 21st. century methods of Federal education: Dumb them down, vaccinate them, mitigate the injury via psyche drugs, feed them GMO food and radiated meat from sick livestock, have them consumer water with chlorine and fluoride, then fill them with facts that hey no longer have the power to refute. What the video does not yet mention is-install School Based Health Clinics in every public school to facilitate mental illness surveys, vaccines and psyche drug monitoring and distribution as well as begin early education propaganda on the benefits of vaccination and the fallacious principles of herd immunity. See propaganda room…

HAARP: STAR WARS WEAPON and worldwide radiation dangers on the human brain


HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes. Is it being used to create earthquakes and mind control?