Medical Tyranny: Mayo Clinic/CPS Forced HIV Drugs Destroyed a Child’s Life and Killed His Mother

How Medical Tyranny Through Forced HIV Drugs Destroyed a Child’s Life and Killed His Mother When Lindsey Nagel gave birth to her son Rico, she recognized that the only reason that she had lived long enough to fall in love and bear a child was because of the courage of her parents to discontinue a […]

MAYO CLINIC: Anti-depressant and Pregnancy – and current protocol of Shock treatments

According to Mayo Clinic “generally, these antidepressants are an option during pregnancy:” VLA comment: The list below are the recommended options that however come with risks.  What is not listed are the rest of the pharma madness drugs given to women approaching child bearing age and therefore compelled to continue the regimen during pregancy.  Other […]

Mayo Study: Vaccines and Pharmacogenetics

Abstract The field of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics provides a promising science base for vaccineresearch and development. A broad range of phenotype/genotype data combined with high through put genetic sequencing and bioinformatics are increasingly being integrated into this emerging field of vaccinomics. This paper discusses the hypothesis of the ‘immune response gene network’ and genetic (and […]

School Based Health Clinics

The injectable FLU SHOT contains high levels of mercury. The government tells us not to eat fish with mercury, but expects us to standby like cattle while nurses for the newly funded public School Based Health Care (SBHC); pharmacists at Walmart; and health care professionals at airports inject mercury directly into our arms! The flu […]

Peter Breggins vs. Robert Malone: Who to believe?

Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.Sci. CEO, CSO, co-founder and board of manager member of Atheric Pharmaceutical, LLC. Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in the academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. His […]

School shooting/Automatism Defense

Go to Link Suicides and Homicides: SSRI Stories “Suicidal ideations, homicidal ideations, mental health issues,” Trey Gowdy said on Fox News. “The overwhelming majority of mass killers suffer from that. VLA Comment:  Unfortunately,  he mistakenly thinks that the solution is red flag gun laws.  the solution has been discovered by organizations and hospitals like the […]

STUDY: 29 Percent of Young Pfizer COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffered Heart Effects

Nearly three in 10 children who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine experienced heart effects afterwards, according to a new study. Researchers studied 301 students across two schools in Thailand. The students were aged 13 to 18 and had received a dose of Pfizer’s vaccine without a serious adverse event. Most had no underlying disease, while 44 […]

DAVID’S STORY: Psyche Drugs & Pharmacogenetics (A common story plaguing the World)

David’s Story- Psyche Drugs & Pharmacogenetics  There is a field of research, Pharmacogenetics/Pharmacogenomics, that is rising to prominence, as we speak.  St. Jude’s Children Hospital, the Mayo Clinic are some of the institutions leading the charge. Turns out that one size doesn’t fit all, after all.  Vaccines contain excipients that must be metabolized by the […]

THE CAUSE of the epidemic of “apparent” mental illness: BIG PHARMA SECRET

Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and Big Pharma Cover-Up   by the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) DOWNLOAD PDFCCHR Newsletter-Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and Big Pharma Cover-Up  VLA Comment: The powerful activist organization Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights  (CCHR), considered the most successful worldwide organization holding the reins for decades on the misuse of psychiatric drugs, […]