Category Archives: Corruption

Rep. Comer, House Oversight Committee Conference enumerates the EVIDENCE OF BIDEN FAMILY CORRUPTION


In a shameful display of how the fake news American leftist brainwashing media machine really works, this report notes, yesterday it saw Republican Party leaders in the United States Congress delivering an address where they documented with evidence how numerous Biden family members received millions-of-dollars in foreign bribes funneled through money laundering corporations, then tried to cover it all up—a bombshell address of Biden Family crimes, however, the American peoples weren’t allowed see because the socialist Biden Regime strategically timed the arrest of a Republican Party lawmaker for corruption to exactly coincide with the address, which all the leftist news channels covered exclusively.

Planned Map of Post Russia…NO MORE RUSSIA

Planned Map of Post Russia…NO MORE RUSSIA (years in the planning by the West)

Gunther Fehlinger, Chairman of the Austria NATO non-governmental organization (NGO), publicly revealed today, the West’s “plan” for Russia: Broken-up into 41 new, autonomous countries! There wouldn’t BE a “Russia” anymore. Russia’s response was simple: If there isn’t going to be a Russia anymore, then there isn’t going to be a Europe or USA, either. World War 3 is officially on its way.

The revelation of this map is literal PROOF that it is the actual intention of the West to do-away with Russia.    By even manufacturing such a map, the West has shown its intent.   Russia now faces an ACTUAL existential threat.  Their very existence is at stake.

Think about the time and effort that was necessary to research the populations and ethnicities in each of these areas, where they are, and how to draw actual lines along the geography of the demographics, to create this vision of new, autonomous, countries.  The research and planning alone had to take . . .  YEARS.

Now that the map is actually out, and the entire world can see that the West has literally been planning for YEARS to completely do-away with Russia, we can all now see that the situation with Ukraine was intentionally manufactured BY THE WEST to provide the impetus to set in-motion, their nefarious plans.

Here is Gunther Fehlinger and the West’s (suicidal) map of a world without Russia:

        Free Nations post Russia FORUM

Peter Breggins vs. Robert Malone: Who to believe?

Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.Sci. CEO, CSO, co-founder and board of manager member of Atheric Pharmaceutical, LLC. Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in the academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist and is known as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.” Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines.

Breggin (2016). Rational Principles of Psychopharmacology for Therapists, Healthcare Providers and Clients. D. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS (NEUROLEPTICS) Abilify (aripiprazole) Clozaril (clozapine) Fanapt (iloperidone) Geodon (ziprasidone) Invega (paliperidone) Latuda (lurasidone) Risperdal (risperidone) Saphris (asenapine) | Article Detail

Peter Breggin expose on Robert MalonePeter and Ginger Apr 23, 2023

VLA COMMENT: if RFK, jr plunged into the pre-covid depths of Peter Breggin and his work on Pharmacogenetics and psychiatric drugs, he might realize that this man hold a treasure of knowledge concerning those unwitting patients who, due to the absence or efficacy of certain liver enzymes, were unable to metabolize many of the current psychiatric medication, thus compelling them to commit suicide/homicide; that Peter Breggin hold the remarkable genetic key that would save children from the same fate…children who may be exhibiting tendencies of their alleged mentally ill parent. White Paper by Eileen Dannemann

VLA OPINION: It is my opinion that it is a big mistake for Dr.Malone to go after Peter Breggin when those “in the know”  regard Dr. Breggin as a World Treasure. His focus, pre-covid, was as a single warrior, first on the block, against the giants.  Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s and Sloan Kettering now stand on his shoulders.  They now “genetically test” their patients for their ability to metabolize psychiatric drugs, alcohol, street drugs, etc. prior to prescribing drugs for mental illness or chemotherapy. Perhaps Malone and Breggin should have a face to face…to check on their perception of the Reality about each other.  However, excluding that… to be safe, I vote for Breggin!


NIH (Fauci’s NIAID agency) pockets $400 million dollars in “royalties” due to the Bayh/Doyle Act (2005)


NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID )  FAUCI’S AGENCY is to receive a “catch-up” non-refundable royalty in the amount of $400 million from Moderna for the use of its molecular technique. The molecular technique aims to stabilize the SARS-COV2 spike protein in order to create a strong immune response in vaccine recipients. The spike protein technology is jointly owned by the NIH and Dartmouth University’s Geisel School of Medicine, and both are named in the contract along with Moderna.5 6

The collaboration between NIH and Moderna in the development of Spikevax is another example of the lucrative public-private business partnership between the U.S. government and pharmaceutical companies.18 19 20

VLA COMMENT: Not mentioned in the article is that this collusion is a result of the UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF Bayh-Dole Act of Congress…

At the time, the gospel of the U.S. government, or at least of the longtime Democratic majority in Congress, was that if the government paid for it, the taxpayers owned it. That was the thinking that drove some of the nation’s proudest achievements–the splitting of the atom, the development of antibiotics, the moon shot, and the nuclear Navy. Bayh sought to turn that policy on its head, essentially giving away all this taxpayer property for free–and, some worried, creating potentially thousands of new private monopolies in the process.