Category Archives: Nuclear War, Bioweaponry and technology

NATO readies massive attack…USA readies troops on the ground in non-NATO Ukraine


VLA COMMENT: This interview will give you an overall clear non propaganda prospective on USA direct war with Russia coming soon

More wars…

Nouriel Roubini: World War III has begun – Turkey attacks Greece in 2023 and China-Taiwan all-out conflict!  READ….

THE RAND CORPORATION: The USA planned the Ukraine War

Shocking Disputed Document Claims the US Planned the War and Energy Crisis in Europe

A Swedish news agency revealed a document signed RAND Corporation, a think tank linked to the US Department of Defense, outlines a strategy for “Weakening Germany, strengthening the U.S.” It says there is an “urgent need” for an influx of resources from outside to maintain the American economy, “especially the banking system”. A key objective is to destroy the cooperation between Germany and Russia which is seen as the greatest economic and political threat to the United States. Their plan was to draw both Russia and Europe into war with a primary goal of destroying the German economy.



EU state to seize guns from Russians

Nationals of Russia or Belarus living in Estonia who own firearms will be given a deadline to surrender them voluntarily, or have them seized by police as security threats, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said on Monday.


Omnicron Covid Variant: Did Fauci buddy Ralph Baric of UNC design Omnicron???



This article will show that Omicron is likely an outgrowth of experiments to develop a Covid-19 variant causing serious disease in wild-type mice, and point at the person and the lab who was documented doing just that — Ralph Baric of UNC.

To give you a preview:

  • Omicron is very unlikely to be a product of natural evolution of SARS-Cov-2 in infected people.
  • While the original Sars-Cov-2 could NOT infect wild-type mice, Omicron readily does infect wild mice.
  • It would take a very long time to naturally evolve Sars-Cov-2 to infect wild, non-humanized mice, without laboratory involvement.
  • Baric’s article in Nature describes steps to genetically edit and develop a genome for such a mouse-infecting virus, derived from Wuhan Sars-Cov-2.
  • Ralph Baric’s UNC owns US patent 11,225,508, which describes how he made a lab-made Covid-19 variant that infects mice and causes serious disease in mice (making Baric’s patented invention a bioweapon by definition).
  • This patent by Baric makes UNC the only organization with a legal monopoly on his method of creating murine/human variants of Sars-Cov-2 due to patent protection
  • Baric tested that his Mouse-Adapted (MA) virus is still capable of infecting human cells
  • Baric also tested whether the new mouse-adapted variant could evade existing spike protein vaccines.
  • Any design of mouse-adapted version of Sars-Cov-2, like Omicron, could only be done with UNC’s permission due to patent protection.