Category Archives: Pregnancy and birth

Study : Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) 2013:

Despite the huge amount of money invested in studying vaccines,
there are few observational studies and virtually no randomized
clinical trials documenting the effect on mortality of any
of the existing vaccines. One recent paper found an increased
hospitalization rate with the increase of the number of vaccine
doses and a mortality rate ratio for 5e8 vaccine doses to 1e4 vaccine
doses of 1.5, indicating a statistically significant increase of
deaths associated with higher vaccine doses. Since vaccines are
given to millions of infants annually, it is imperative that health
authorities have scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on
all combinations of vaccines that infants might receive to improve
vaccine safety [194].

Moreover, from one side the non-specific beneficial effects of
vaccines on survival can be underestimated, on the other side the
negative effect of other vaccines may not be captured by current
studies [195]. As a matter of fact, in case of vaccine-associated
autoimmune phenomena latency periods between the vaccine
administration and the appearance of clinical symptoms can be
longer (months or years after vaccination) than the time interval
commonly established.

Download study:


PHARMACOGENOMICS and Vaccines (2009)

Vaccine Application_of_pharmacogenomics_to_vaccines

This paper discusses the hypothesis of the ‘immune response gene network’ and genetic (and bioinformatic) strategies to study associations between immune responsegene polymorphisms and variations in humoral and cellular immune responses to prophylactic viralvaccines, such as measles–mumps–rubella, influenza, HIV, hepatitis B and smallpox.Immunogenetic studies reveal promising new vaccine targets by providing a better understanding of the mechanisms by which gene polymorphisms may influence innate and adaptive immune responses to vaccines, including vaccine failure and vaccine-associated adverse events.

The goal of pharmacogenomics and vaccinomics is to identify genetic variants that predict adverse responses to vaccines, predict aberrant immune responses, contribute to personalized therapy and that predict susceptibility to diseases and response to vaccines.

VLA Comment.

It is hard to believe that the establishment has known this relationship between polymorphism (the presence of genetic variation within a population) that will cause an adverse reaction from vaccines since 2009.  And we just keep destroying all the emerging generations of mankind (and animals)  What is not expressed in this paper is that ALL neonates and children not have the mature systems that address this assault.

Pharmacogenomics — the key to developing personalised medicines 2013


Vaccines are a class of medicines that are being viewed under the pharmacogenomic microscope. Variations in genes involved in virus binding and cell entry, antigen recognition, processing and presentation, immune effector cell function and immunoregulation are all crucial in an individual’s ability to propagate a co-ordinated attack against an invading pathogen. Associations in response with genotype or phenotype have been recognised with vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella, influenza, HIV, Hepatitis B and smallpox.4

25 year old tells in a letter what it is like to be vaccine injured growing up

Dillon speaks with difficulty as a result of his vaccine injuries suffered as an infant, and during the course of the interview he asked his mother, Elizabeth Corder, to read something he wrote about his life growing up as a vaccine-injured child.

Hi, my name is Dillon.

From day one, I’ve had physical therapy, speech therapy, and OT (occupational therapy.)

It was hard growing up. I didn’t have many friends. It was hard to make friends because of my speech problem.

When people cannot understand me they ask “what” a million times and I get frustrated.

My first memories of school are not about school. They are all about all of the therapies.

In sixth grade I started realizing things were different for me. At school they started asking me questions about why things in class were always different for me, and why I had an aide.

As I got older, I had thoughts of suicide, and I was often depressed because things in my life were taken from me.

When the other 15-year-olds were learning to drive, it was something I could not do, and still cannot do.

When I asked girls out they always said “no.”

I know it was hard because of my speech. Even if a friend or girl wanted to meet up or hang out, I had to ask my mom or my dad if they could take me or drive me, because I couldn’t drive, and it was very embarrassing.

Sometimes I am angry at my parents, because why didn’t they know?

If I could change one thing, I would ask my parents and other parents to be educated before they made this decision to give shots that can injure and kill to your perfect baby.

I know it’s not really their fault, because they just didn’t know. But it still makes me mad that they were not informed by the doctors.

Just look at the ingredient list. It’s just not worth the risk of having a child who can’t talk anymore. The ingredients alone are disgusting and dangerous.

So much has been taken from me. I’m 25 now, and I wanted to be a cop like my dad, or go in the military. I can’t do either of those things now.

How will I find a wife and have a family or kids to be happy in life?

I just want people to know to get educated before they make this decision, because if someone gets injured, it’s for lifetime.



“He was Murdered” – 13 Month Old Infant Dies in 14 Hours after Flu shot

“He was Murdered” – 13 Month Old Infant Dies in 14 Hours after Flu shot

VLA comment:  Why his brain stem was eaten away and scarred several times was because of the other vaccines she gave him.  The flu shot took him over the edge..took one more beating by the Establishment,


Whooping Cough Vaccine (DPaT) spreading disease

Modern whooping cough vaccines don’t protect against whooping cough or its spread, just like polio vaccines


As it turns out, the vast majority of children being affected by pertussis outbreaks are vaccinated children, which some health authorities are reluctantly admitting. Even so, pro-vaxxers are insistent that all disease spread is caused by unvaccinated children, despite the fact that science continues to prove otherwise.

What’s more, the DTaP vaccine, along with many other vaccines, fails to provide permanent protection against disease – assuming they provide any protection at all. As reported in the same aforementioned DTaP study, pertussis antibodies experience a “rapid decline” in as little as 2-3 years post-vaccination, “often to pre-vaccination levels.”

Even though antibody levels alone “are not necessarily indicative of waning immunity,” this same study goes on to explain, “in this case given the higher risk of infection after aP (acellular pertussis) vaccine with time, it is strongly suggestive of it.” READ MORE…

STUDY-Vaccine Adjuvants: Systemic immunotoxicity reaction induced by adjuvanted vaccines


Adjuvants – Systemic_immunotoxicity_reactions_induced by adjuvanted vaccines

6.4. Modification of drug hepatic metabolism (cyp450)

Reports of patients developing phenytoin, warfarin or theophylline
toxicity, following acute infections [118,119] and anti-influenza vaccination,
have been published [119–128]. In one study, toxic elevations
in the levels of the concurrent medicines were reported to occur up to
28 days after vaccination [124]. Other vaccines such as Bacillus Calmette
Guerin (BCG), and immunostimulators such as interferons and various
cytokines are able to produce the same effect [129–131]. The effect of
immunostimulation on drug metabolismwas demonstrated several decades
ago in laboratory animals, using several vaccines and adjuvants,
with the demonstration that cytochrome P450 hepatic enzyme inhibition
as a consequence immunostimulation is involved, leading to
reduced clearance of the concurrently administered medicines
[132–135]. Years later, Renton reported that the release of cytokines,
such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF, TGF-β and IFNs, is involved in modulating
the expression of several P450 isoforms [130]. Reversible changes in
the pharmacokinetic parameters of theophylline, and decreased expression
of CYP1A, 2B1/2, and 3A subfamily, have also been reported in rats
after intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) derived
from Klebsiella pneumoniae [136] and a similar effect was observed
after application of FCA to mice (used as a positive control), for comparison
with a non-toxic intranasal adjuvant called AFCo1 [97].
On the other hand, Prandota have shown the rapid decrease in the
total CYP450 liver content of FCA-treated rats and the selective downregulation
of specific CYP isoforms through a direct reduction in
mRNA levels (CYP2B, CYP2CI1, CYP3A1, and CYP2E1), protein content
(CYP2B, CYP2C11, and CYP2E1) and catalytic activity (CYP2C6,
CYP2C11, and CYP2E1). Thus, Prandota has highlighted that polymorphisms
of drug-metabolizing enzymes and cytokines may contribute
markedly to drug-induced hepatotoxicity and drug pharmacokinetic
disturbances, affecting genetically predisposed subjects [137].

Vaccines Excipients: PHARMACOGENETICS: Inability of infants and children to metabolize vaccine xenobiotic excipients (cyp 450)


Not only did her two-month old daughter, Brianna, suffer a debilitating vaccine-induce brain injury that was proven and awarded through the Office of Special Master’s vaccine court, but her husband (at the time) was mistakenly accused of shaken baby syndrome due to the brain trauma and retinol hemorrhage caused by vaccines.


Microchipping 2020/ HPV vaccine-GMO DNA

Wild measles, like wild chicken pox, is a stable, mild virus that confers life-long immunity when acquired naturally. But vaccine makers have been genetically modifying vaccines as a way to modify Nature. Genetic manipulation of the Gardasil vaccine has resulted in over 140 document deaths from the VAERS database. However, VAERS reporting is voluntary and only reports an estimated 2% of cases.

Over 18,727 vaccine-related injuries have already been tied to Gardasil in both girls and boys. Of note is the discovery of synthetic recombinant HPV DNA bonded to aluminum salts found in the blood of girls, months after vaccination. These findings contradict the Medsafe datasheets that claim no viral DNA exists in the vaccine.

This means that viral DNA remains in the body to incorporate in the human genome. So the host cell contains human DNA as well as genetically engineered viral DNA.

Something to ponder… why would anyone trust the injection of an experimental, genetically-modified vaccine into a young child when Congress has granted blanket “immunity” regarding any lawsuits against vaccine makers for any vaccine-related injuries? If vaccine makers will not stand behind their much touted products, why should we?

Vaccine mandates, that are creeping inland from the coasts, are part of an agenda to chip and track every human. It might sound sinister at any other time, but today, the RFID chip rollout is ramping up along side the deployment of the 5G frequency network. The final piece of the puzzle remains….a publicized threat of a pandemic disease outbreak to “public health and safety.”

Recently, another outbreak of whooping cough was reported in Houston, where 100 percent of the affected students had been vaccinated against it. In 2018, ten children confirmed with pertussis in a North Carolina outbreak had all been vaccinated.

These outbreak represent many thousands of similar outbreaks over the years. It shows what numerous vaccine-related outbreaks bear witness to: Vaccination is not immunization.

In fact, outbreaks of whooping cough, or pertussis, as well as outbreaks of measles and mumps are all on the rise due to ignorance by parents, strategic planning by officials, and the slow destruction of the human immune system.

HPV excerpt:

Wild measles, like wild chicken pox, is a stable, mild virus that confers life-long immunity when acquired naturally. But vaccine makers have been genetically modifying vaccines as a way to modify Nature. Genetic manipulation of the Gardasil vaccine has resulted in over 140 document deaths from the VAERS database. However, VAERS reporting is voluntary and only reports an estimated 2% of cases.

Over 18,727 vaccine-related injuries have already been tied to Gardasil in both girls and boys. Of note is the discovery of synthetic recombinant HPV DNA bonded to aluminum salts found in the blood of girls, months after vaccination. These findings contradict the Medsafe datasheets that claim no viral DNA exists in the vaccine.

This means that viral DNA remains in the body to incorporate in the human genome. So the host cell contains human DNA as well as genetically engineered viral DNA.

Something to ponder… why would anyone trust the injection of an experimental, genetically-modified vaccine into a young child when Congress has granted blanket “immunity” regarding any lawsuits against vaccine makers for any vaccine-related injuries? If vaccine makers will not stand behind their much touted products, why should we?