Tag Archives: DPaT

Whooping Cough Vaccine (DPaT) spreading disease

Modern whooping cough vaccines don’t protect against whooping cough or its spread, just like polio vaccines


As it turns out, the vast majority of children being affected by pertussis outbreaks are vaccinated children, which some health authorities are reluctantly admitting. Even so, pro-vaxxers are insistent that all disease spread is caused by unvaccinated children, despite the fact that science continues to prove otherwise.

What’s more, the DTaP vaccine, along with many other vaccines, fails to provide permanent protection against disease – assuming they provide any protection at all. As reported in the same aforementioned DTaP study, pertussis antibodies experience a “rapid decline” in as little as 2-3 years post-vaccination, “often to pre-vaccination levels.”

Even though antibody levels alone “are not necessarily indicative of waning immunity,” this same study goes on to explain, “in this case given the higher risk of infection after aP (acellular pertussis) vaccine with time, it is strongly suggestive of it.” READ MORE…

STUDY: Infant Mortality decreases after “stopping” the DPT shot

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It appears this early Guinea-Bissau study foreshadowed a line of documented injury and mortality caused by the DPT. A 2000 BMJ article found that a population of vaccinated infants, also from Guinea-Bissau, receiving one dose of DTP or polio vaccines had higher mortality than children who had received none of these vaccines. A 2004 observational study showed a doubling of the mortality rate of infants vaccinated with the single dose of DPT vaccine and increasing mortality rates after the second and third doses.[iii] A 2011 study of Guinea-Bissau females found DTP vaccine administered simultaneously with measles vaccine is also associated with increased morbidity and poor growth in girls.[iv].

In the United States, the DTP vaccine received major public spotlight and pushback after the 1985 book DPT: A Shot in the Dark was published tracing its development and describing its risks. Recently complied reports show settlements of injury and deaths from the TDap, DTP, and DPT vaccines within the United States Vaccine Court jumped 75% from $5.5 million in 2014 to $9.8 million in 2015.  Read more…

VLA Comment:  the TDaP is what is now recommended by the ACIP (CDC) to be given to pregnant women along with the flu shot.