In a nutshell, scientists all over the world have learned the following about aluminum adjuvant, most of it since 2010 (not a single one of these new discoveries or published studies was considered in Dr. Mitkus’ paper).
From Canada, 2012: “Aluminum (Al) is highly neurotoxic and has been shown to impair both prenatal and postnatal brain development in humans and experimental animals.”
From France, 2013: “However, continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of overimmunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier…”
From France, 2015: “Thus alum and other poorly biodegradable materials taken up at the periphery by phagocytes circulate in the lymphatic and blood circulation and can enter the brain using a Trojan horse mechanism similar to that used by infectious particles. Previous experiments have shown that alum administration can cause CNS dysfunction and damage, casting doubts on the exact level of alum safety.”
From France, 2016: “We conclude that Alhydrogel [aluminum adjuvant] injected at low dose in mouse muscle may selectively induce long-term Al cerebral accumulation and neurotoxic effects.”
From England, 2017: “The amount of aluminum in the brain tissue was, I would say, extraordinarily high. Very high. My group has measured the aluminum content of probably more than one hundred human brains, and these brain tissues taken from the individuals with a diagnosis of autism were some of the highest we’ve measured bar none. The only ones we’ve seen that are similar were a recent study of familial Alzheimer’s. This in itself is a very important finding.”
So, versus ten years ago, scientists now know that aluminum adjuvant, when injected, can 1) impair brain development, 2) remain in the brain much longer than thought, 3) is brought into the brain by macrophages that grab the aluminum from the vaccine injection site and recirculate it, 4) may actually be worse when injected in small doses repeatedly (like it’s done during vaccination), and 4) there’s remarkably high levels of aluminum in the brains of people diagnosed with autism.Dr. Chris Exley, the author of this most recent study (#5, and the subject of my recent article) was so moved by the results of his study he said the following:
READ MORE OF THE ABOVE comprehensive article by J.B. Handley, Co-Founder, Generation Rescue and Board Member, World Mercury Project
Table-Number-of_VAX_AL & Hg(1) link expands the table below developed by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
The total number of mcgs of Aluminum by 18 years old is 13,538 mcgs.
VLA Comment: These researchers and other moral saviors behind the scenes of public awareness (CD, CB, PK, GG, MDG, Cong B, Cong P…on and on) are the same dedicated persons who blew the whistle on Mercury in vaccines and dental fillings. Most mercury was taken out of vaccines in 2001. At one time mercury was in 16 vaccine doses, debilitating our children, causing them to be diagnosed as “mentally ill”, OCD, Bipolar, ADHD, Autism; prescribed psychiatric drugs as young a 0-1 years old. However, Mercury is still in vaccines today (see chart above).
Mercury and aluminum are both ” heavy metals”. Heavy Metals are causing malfunction; electrical malfunction, immune dysfunction, digestive disorder in every incoming generation of humanity. Metals do not belong in the human physiology. Adults are now spending thousands of dollars trying to get heavy metals out of their systems. Where do you think these deposits came from? If heavy metals negatively affect the outer environment it would be common sense to conclude that they would be harmful to the inner environment of man…and especially dangerous our young children and pregnant moms.
Link CDC Cover up: 4,250% increase in miscarriage reports from flu shots
According to IMS Health’s Vector One: National and Total Patient Tracker Database for 2013 these are the figures for 0-1-year-olds being prescribed psychiatric drugs:
More than 274,000 “0-1” year old infants are prescribed psychiatric drugs.
249,669 0-1 year olds are on anti-anxiety drugs (such as Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan).
26,406 0-1 year olds are on antidepressants (such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil).
There are 1,422 0-1 year olds taking ADHD drugs (such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta).
654 0-1 year olds are taking antipsychotics (such as Risperdal, Seroquel, and Zyprexa).
While the CDC was correct in issuing their report on the 10,000 2-3 year olds (toddlers) being prescribed ADHD drugs, the number of toddlers on anti-anxiety and antidepressants is staggering in comparison:
318,997 2-3 year olds are on anti-anxiety drugs.
46,102 2-3 year olds are on antidepressants.
3,760 2-3 year olds are taking antipsychotics.
And as for other age groups, the numbers start in the millions with 0-5 year olds:
The total number of 0-5 year olds currently prescribed psychiatric drugs is 1,080,168.
The number of 6-12 year olds on psychiatric drugs is 4,130,340.
The number of 13-17 year olds taking psychiatric drugs is 3,617,593.[3]
Pharmacogenetics & MASS SHOOTINGS: What is making our kids and soldiers psychotic!
Heavy Metal Toxicity – The Environmental Illness Resource
Sep 1, 2017 – The group of most concern are known as the heavy metals and includes mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, and arsenic. The definition of what constitutes a heavy metal is vague and various criteria have been proposed based on density, atomic weight or atomic number, or various chemical properties and toxicity 1.
A high profile citizen campaign to repeal the law that removes vaccine injury liability is NEC.
Rosie Meysenberg discovered the connection between a class of psychotropic drugs and violence. Read and learn about the antidepressant associated mass shootings.