Category Archives: Propaganda Room

USA Today “Anti-vaxer skeptics and parents should be put in jail”



What Berezow means is that parents who do not vaccinated their children no matter how toxic the vaccine ingredients really are should be thrown in prison. This argument, dutifully printed by the blindly obedient mainstream media, represents the total abandonment of scientific reasoning and the desperate invocation of the very same policies espoused by Mao, Pol Pot, Mussolini and Adolf Hitler: If the People can’t be persuaded to do what you want through reason, then force them to do so at gunpoint.

Read more…

VLA Comment: NOTE:  The establishment has been using the term “sickened” as opposed to “dying”. I suppose they need to kill a few children so we can really be afraid of the natural measles that give us life long immunity.

“Your family’s right to be ‘sick’ ends where public health begins”.

(didn’t he mean “safe”?)

Didn’t he mean to say,  “Your family’s right to be safe…ends where public health begins”?


Melinda Gates’ 2015 Agenda (video Huff Post Live)





Mobile Phones for all Africans (two phones)




Terrorism-stronger military

Population Control

HPV vaccines shipping to Africa

Climate Change

Global Citizen (Agenda 21)  (to read the Gates letter and become a Global Citzen)


VLA Comment:   She starts with mobile phones (their business); then vaccines; the GMO (drought resistant crops); next…farmer needs a phone too both men and women..two phones per family):  Here comes “Education”…I am sure it will be lots of virtual video education which Gates is behind so they can educate the populations to be in lock step with Global agenda;  Now women and girls issue..wonder if HPV vaccine will be advocated?  We are up to violence now….eradicating violence. Terrorism;  She is now emphasizing a stronger military for Nigeria.  Interviewer mentions-USA higher mortality rate…Gates  answers it by saying the pregnant women should go to clinics more often as if that is the cause of USA higher infant mortality rates.  Not mentioned is that  we are the most vaccinated country in the world and have one of the worst infant mortality rate). Population Control: Pregnancy…contraceptives…abortions.  She says that they should “space out their pregnancies”, as if this is the cause of infant morality in the United Sates as opposed to the 53 vaccines by the time the child is six years old (4 in utero).  In the 1940’s women were having 7 to 9 children…and they were not vaccinated much and they did not die and they certainly weren’t “spaced out”.

OHHH…HERE COMES THE HPV 12 years old and “we are getting them out to Africa” . Feminism…boys should be on par with boys…(support for HPV for boys).  Now CLIMATE CHANGE is a reality!  Sign up to be a GLOBAL CITIZEN (Agenda 21?) 

Court papers: Merck falsified mumps vaccine trials to fabricate a 95% efficacy rate


Merck knowing falsified mumps vaccine tests to fabricate a 95% efficacy rate

According to Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, both former Merck virologists, the Merck company engaged in all the following behavior:

• Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a “95% efficacy rate.”

• In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies.  Read court documents and more…

TIME SENSITIVE, Berlin, Jan. 27th: Bill Gates commissions 30 world famous artist to do PRO-VACCINE ART



The Gates Foundation sponsored the project and will release the artwork 0f 30 world famous artists who have been commissioned to produce Pro vaccine art. The pieces aren’t for sale but will be displayed at a conference in Berlin, on Jan. 27. The conference location is still a big secret. However, VLA has found the location.

It will be held on January 27th at the Berlin Congress Center,  Alexanderstraße 11, 10178 Berlin, Germany  +49 30 23806750.

The goal of the conference is to raise money for Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, an organization aimed at vaccinating millions of children in poor countries. (Note: The Gates Foundation is also a funder of NPR.) LINK TO EXHIBITION DETAILS

The Art of Saving A Life enlisted more than 30 artists to create images that bring those numbers to life — to spark conversations, interest and, ultimately, funding for vaccines.

Lets show Bill Gates SOME REAL ARTWORK.  We need to contact the German Anti vaccine leadership NOW.  VLA will send this artwork (below)17″ full color  and 3.5 stickers (b&w) for distribution to the convention participants. Please contact ASAP.

circle copyIMG_0212 copy


Wenn Sie sprechen Deutsch , Bitte senden Sie diese E-Mail an den Anti -Impfstoff Organisation in Deutschland

The Road to Demascas: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria

Brandon Turbeville FOX radio interview.  A must hear if you want to finally hear the truth, historical and current, about America’s assault on the middle east listen to this broadcast.  After hearing this (and perhaps reading his book)  you need not seek any more inquiry of what is really going on in our middle east long wars.  The endgame is the destruction of Russia.Listen to Fox news affiliate interview

e489793f-d003-471a-9a4c-02f7e3df4d77_DBuy book


Brandon Turbeville presents a detailed and wide-ranging discussion and exposé of the unfolding crisis in Syria. He argues that the tragic events still currently taking place inside embattled Middle Eastern nation are not the result of an organic revolution, but rather is a carefully orchestrated outside assault against the people of Syria and their government by Western powers such as the United States, Britain, France as well as the ever-present satellite of Israel. Turbeville deconstructs the mainstream Western narrative surrounding the crisis, exposes blatant lies and propaganda, and provides a more accurate picture of the players who make up the ranks of the so-called “Syrian rebels. Read Activist post for summary of the book

NATO_AirStrikes_WarCrime-300x249-1Go to Brandon

Breaking News: German Whistleblower Journalist: Admits his complicity in govt/media propaganda & cover ups

Published on Oct 7, 2014

Admits to bribes from many different sources….becoming more and more corrupt as he and other journalists cooperate with the CIA and billionaire interests. Paraphrasing: “The intelligent agencies come to our office and asks us to write their propaganda articles.They give us secret documents. The agency writes the article themselves and asks us to put on name on it”
“If you say no…

VLA comment:  Snowden of Journalists exposes the govt. media cabal.

Breaking News: NEW Minnesota VACCINE REQUIRMENTS?

ows_140901819954768Excerpts:  For the first time in a decade, Minnesota schoolchildren are required to receive additional vaccines this fall.

Seventh-graders now must get the meningococcal vaccination and an additional pertussis (whooping cough) booster. And younger children in day care and early-childhood programs must get hepatitis A and B shots.  Read more…

VLA COMMENT:  WHOA…The establishment  is in fear.  They have now organized PRO VACCINE activist groups so both sides can street fight. Pro-vaccine activist movement, in opinion, demonstrates the last gasps at  try to stop our momentum to raise awareness of the risks of following vaccine protocol or you doctor’s advise:::)))

Pediatrician PROPAGANDA: Establishment “script” to convince parents to vaccinate



Talking points created by the vaccine industry to help pediatricians convince parents that vaccination is a must.  The establishment is so panicky that they are referencing Aristotle’s  debate points in order to convince parents of the benefits of  vaccines.


HPV Vaccine for 11 year olds…OBSCENE CDC PROPAGANDA

VLA Comment: This CDC propaganda is OBSCENE. Our video GARDASIL PRIMER explains that out of the hundred HPV strains that most sexually active gals get…almost all are SELF CLEARING. The CDC used to push this on young women but found that if a sexually active woman (who has most likely gotten a strain and self cleared) are given this vaccine there is a 44.6 % increase in the chances they would develop cancerous lesions. That is why they are now pushing it on 11-12 year olds.

Read Activist Post…

Paul Offit VACCINE PROPAGANDA Film national launch in Washington DC “INVISIBLE THREAT”


Invisible Threat Trailer from CHSTV Videos on Vimeo.

The “National Launch” of Invisible Threat – a film promoting the world’s most aggressive vaccine program – will be screened in the nation’s capital today. The screening will be hosted by Every Child By Two (ECBT), which has received millions of dollars from five of the largest pharmaceutical companies. Even high school teachers have joined forces with a vaccine industry front group to promote the film.  Read more…

VLA comment:
Sometimes I think that the CDC, in propaganda like this, does more to help wake up parents! The CDC is really getting desperate these days as parents wake up to the dangers of an overly ambitious vaccine schedule which now recommends 4 vaccine doses “in uteros” without any basis in science and 49 more vaccine doses by the time the child is 6 years old. Give me a break!!! We have films too…check out our personal vaccine injury stories: