Monthly Archives: August 2014

Spacing Out Vaccines


Once again Dr.Paul G.King has exposed the establishments propaganda.  In this case the vaccine apologists,  who rail against parents and scientists who claim that vaccines are causing the chronic epidemic of illnesses in children, are not satisfied with parents who “compromise” and  “space out vaccines”.  The author of the article that Dr. King is responding utters “sound bites” that are meant to strike fear into the hearts of all parents.  He gives us the soundbite that evokes the “visual”, that spacing out vaccines is like failing to put a safety seat belt on your child.

VLA Comment: If you ever wondered if spacing out vaccines is a good compromise…guess again!.

Read Dr. Paul G.  Kings analysis



Dr. William Thompson has worked for the government agency for over a decade and confirmed that “the CDC knew about the relationship between the age of first MMR vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys as early as 2003, but chose to cover it up.” He remarked “we’ve missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They’re not doing what they should be doing because they’re afraid to look for things that might be associated.”  READ CNN REPORT

CDC letter (2004:) Dr. William Thompson to CDC Director, Julie Gerberding on concerns about MMR and Autism.

Age of Autism article

Dr. Brian Hooker is the whistleblower’s contact.  Read his article that was just “suddenly” removed from Translational Neurodegeneration journal. It apparently is still available on pub med.

VLA COMMENT:  It should be noted in this report that Dr. Julie Gerberding, then head of the CDC subsequently was employed by Merck as the head of its vaccine arm.


Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the London, England physician,  shouldered a massive attack by Brian Deere, journalist for the London Times owned by Rupert Murdock  more than a decade ago. Murdock’s son is on the board of directors of Glaxo, Smith Kline, one of the largest vaccine .manufacturers.  A group of about 8 mothers of Autistic children implored Dr. Wakefield, a gastroenterologist to examine their children who were suffering from gut related issues as all Autistic children do.  He found that all the children had a “vaccine” strain of measles in their guts that could only have been gotten from the MMR vaccine.  His sterling work was published in Lancet, the most prestigious journal in England.  Soon thereafter, he was crucified and left for dead.  However, he and his wife moved to the United States and spent all their time uncovering and proving the sadistic cover ups related to the MMR vaccine.  CONGRATULATIONS, DR. WAKEFIELD. See video Wakefield/CDC fraud

This CDC expose is not the only evidence uncovered about the MMR vaccine.  However, it is getting much press because of the CDC inside whistleblower.  Dr. Wakefield has been documenting a lineage of fraud over the years from England to USA regarding the MMR vaccine.  We recommend you revisit these revelatory Wakefield videos

For heaven sakes…just compare their faces.

6a00d8357f3f2969e2017d3c47a5fc970c-150wi This is Dr. Andrew Wakefield, surgeon angel who stepped forth to help ordinary working class parent who claimed that the MMR vaccine caused their children’s Autism.

deer6This is Brian Deere, London Times/Murdock/Glaxo, Smith, Kline journalist who suddenly became interested in the Lancet journal MMR study authored by Dr. Wakefield and with the help of the mogul media/ pharmacuetical backed evil empire attempted to  destroy the impulse of good.


Flu Mist quadravalent vaccinated children-Carriers of the Virus shedding and infecting others

More information: 


In the 2009/10 flu season where the government was injecting pregnant women with the seasonal flu shot and the untested H1N1 vaccine, there was a 4,250% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths.  But what of the “surviving” children?  The CDC is still covering up these statistics although they now admit they are correct.  So, because the public does not know about it, the CDC now recommends 4 vaccine doses to pregnant women with no mention of Thimerosal content.  Here is the story and our study by Dr. Gary Goldman published in the journal of Human and Environmental Toxicology:

20 Female Inmates on Rikers Island initiated into Transcendental Meditation


David Lynch Foundation Goes to Rikers Island

20 women signed up to learn TM—plus three Rikers staff members. And one week later, a TM course, funded by the David Lynch Foundation’s Women’s Initiative, was under way. Read more…

USA Economic Hitmen: Global Industrialization of Iowa -The GMO feed and Hog Source for the Globe



Iowa has been slated to be the global source for GMO feed and Hogs.  Although the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) as its strategists pretending it is not fast tracked, infrastructure has been long in the making.

The history and analysis by International Agriculture and Trade Policy Institute about USA export plans to China (corn, soy feed for hogs)  IS A MUST READ. It is absolutely riveting.  and you will then know what the Farm Bureau, Vilsack and the Governor knows about Iowa being the feed and hog source for the globe…IATP.ORG

You will finally know what is really going on and the nature of the USA being Economic Hitmen subverting agricultural bases in foreign countries as a strategy for economic dominance. This is one of the best; most interesting; comprehensive analysis of the situation from the International Agriculture and Trade Policy org.



 There are several reasons why farmers move out of soy production

in China. One important factor is that the market price

of imported soybeans is cheaper than that of domestic soy. A

complex mix of commodity programs, agricultural policies,

and pricing schemes in the United States and South America

keeps the market price of soybeans (and other agricultural

commodities) below the cost of production.


This is a well documented phenomenon that has led to unfair competition

and dumping on world markets for decades.78 When domestic

farmers are undercut by cheap imports, one immediate result

is that those farmers can no longer make a living from their

crops, and are often forced out. On top of this, the foreign irms

that control 80 percent of crushing and 60 percent of reining

in China have the ability to import soybeans from their own

production centers around the world at a price much cheaper

than what domestic soybeans can sell for. Read…

VLA comment: We can only hope that the China/Russian connection has a plan to give the USA its toxic karma back.  While China and Russia generally disallow GMO planting in their countries unfortunately they are importing cheap GMO grains from the USA which is flooding the domestic market and under cutting the domestic farmers,  I can only hope that China has plans for the USA and has the power, since it owns much of USA debt, to pull the rug out of our greedy political/agricultural sector.  I have always suggested that the implanting of alien lifeforms into the womb of mother earth would have its consequences some day in terms of a agricultural holocaust.  It has been my opinion that any good woman would have a spontaneous abortion having been implanted with alien life forms.


China stops domestic  GMO rice production

In a surprise U-turn, China’s Ministry of Agriculture has decided not to continue with a program which developed genetically-modified rice and corn.

“The production of GM corn has not received as much skepticism, as it is
mainly fed to livestock, according to Huang Jikun. Nevertheless, like rice,
it has also not had its license renewed.”  VLA comment:  Here is where the danger lies.  Like with Mexico who has banned GMO production, (apparently good news) USA exports GMO corn to Mexico because due to the USA price supports to our farmers, GMO corn sells for less than its actual production costs and thereby undermine any incentive to domestic corn.


Read more…

CDC Coverup: Whistleblower apologizes for remaining silent (MMR VACCINE CAUSING AUTISM)


Dr. Andrew Wakefield, once again, exposes and documents CDC malfeasance.  Watch Video

Excerpt rom Mike Adams on the cover up:  “Today I can report that I now have in my possession CDC documents which prove beyond any doubt that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, actively participated in willful scientific fraud in order to bury clinical evidence linking the MMR vaccine to a 340% increase in autism among African-American children”. Read more...

Breaking: autism, MMR vaccine, CDC cover-up (excerpts from
By Jon Rappoport
August 20, 2014

Age of Autism 8/18 article: “Senior government scientist breaks 13 years’ silence on CDC’s vaccine-autism fraud.” CDC research scientist comes forward, anonymously, comes clean, tells Dr. Brian Hooker that the CDC has known about the MMR vaccine connection to autism for at least 11 years. The CDC and the US government have gone to extreme lengths to assert there is no vaccine-autism connection. This CDC scientist has spoken with Brian Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, many times. Hooker states he has seen raw CDC data not included in any study. And the data show that:

CDC letter (2004:) Dr. William Thompson to CDC Director, Julie Gerberding on concerns about MMR and Autism.

African-American boys who receive their first MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk for autism. If this is true, what else is the CDC hiding?

VLA Comment:  2009 CDC MISCARRIAGE COVERUPThe CDC is hiding the fact that they double dosed pregnant women in the 2009/10 flu season with the season flu vaccine and the untested H1N1 vaccine, both with Thimerasol.   It caused a 4,250% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths. Here is the documentation:

Wakefield now states: “Over a decade ago, Dr. Scott Montgomery and I put forward a hypothesis for MMR vaccine and autism: the age you receive the vaccine influences the risk. …We shared this hypothesis with vaccine officials, members of the Centers for Disease Control, at meetings in Washington, D.C. and Cold Spring Harbor.  A group of senior vaccine safety people at the CDC studied it.  It panned out.  We were right–at least partly. By Nov 9, 2001, nearly thirteen years ago, senior CDC scientists knew that the younger age exposure to MMR was associated with an increased risk of autism.  In 2004 they published, but they hid the results. …”

Robin Williams-DEATH BY PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS, Gary Kohl, MD. (Cytochrome P450?)


DUTY TO WARN – Robin Williams by Gary Kohl, MD


“Within weeks after Williams’ discharge from Hazelden’s Rehabilitation facility in Lindstrom, MN, he hung himself in the bedroom of his San Francisco home where he was certainly suffering multiple side effects from his cocktail of drugs. He left no suicide note, but certainly his psychiatrists, psychologists and other staff members at Hazelden know exactly what Williams could have written on such a note. So far Hazelden is mum on what happened to Williams during July’s rehab stay. Some of Williams’ closest friends are claiming that the newly prescribed drugs were what killed him”   Read more…


Suicides and heinous homicides (mass shootings by young people) are concomitant with the rise of new psychiatric drugs like SSRIs.  But other drugs also cause suicidal ideations in those demographics that are non-metabolizers.  See this layman’s links on CYTOCHROME P450 and drug interactions.    Was Robin Williiams a poor metabolizer of the cocktail of drugs he recently received?  Did this supposedly reputable (and probably expensive) institution give him the available Cytochrome P450 test to establish his metabolism activity?  I doubt it…as it is not standard of care.  The knowledge of pharmacogenetics and drug interactions have been known for more than 15 years and yet this simple test is not standard of care and therefore physicians are not legally culpable. 

More egregious is that all levels of physicians prescribe psychiatric drugs with no compelled, basic or continuing education as to pharmacogenetics and the critical role Cytochrome P450 plays in detoxifying  the body from accumulating lethal doses of medicines (not only psyche drugs).

Today 25% of American children are put on psychiatric drugs by doctors who have no education in Pharmacogenetics and drug interactions.  The legal system, as well, disregards the fact that upward of 10% of Caucasians, for example, are non-metabolizers.  (That is they cannot detoxify the new drugs out of their system and they subsequently become psychotic).

10,000 American Toddlers are on psyche drugs. Read more…

An autopsy can still analyze Robin Williams’ drug interaction and metabolic status by a simple DNA test for Cytochrome P450.  The same can be done in the all the school shootings.  James Holmes, Jerod Loughner, Haskell, are still alive and can be tested in relationship to the drugs they were taking.  If the drugs were counter indicated due to a lack of activity of the Cytochrome P450 and its various alleles, then attorneys could argue that these mass murders were induced to psychosis by the physicians and that they were, in fact, INVOLUNTARILY INTOXICATED.  However, when VLA brought this opportunity to the Defense Attorneys and Judges, there was no response.

Hemp and Biowastes: Better than Graphene!

_76912486_hempfieldthinkstock _76912488_hempfibressplThe waste fibres from hemp crops can be transformed into high-performance energy storage devices, scientists say.

They “cooked” cannabis bark into carbon nanosheets and built supercapacitors “on a par with or better than graphene” – the industry gold standard. Read more…

VLA comment:  Iowa and other agricultural states are too busy with Monsanto’s GMO corn and soy and their national directive to be the global supplier of hogs and GMO feed.  In Fairfield, Iowa, a new granary is going up that attaches to Warren Buffet’s BSNF railway and will send 20 million bushels of GMO corn to Texas, Mexico and then the Asian Pacific through the TransPacificPartnership.  Although folk don’t think the TPP is a done deal…think again as infrastructure is being put in place.  However, we suspect that China will have the last laugh on the USA when they pull the plug.

Wisconsin Mom: Did HPV Vaccine Kill my 12 year old daughter?

Wisconsin mom: ‘Did HPV vaccine kill my 12-year-old daughter?’

Meredith Prohaska, of Waukesha, had a sore throat on the morning of July 30. Her mom took her to the doctor. During that visit, she was given the HPV vaccine, which guards against the common sexually transmitted virus that may cause cervical cancer.

About 30 minutes later, on the way home, Meredith became sleepy, her mom said. The girl napped most of the afternoon.

Rebecca Prohaska went out for food and returned to find Meredith on the floor, with purple lips and no pulse.

Read more:

Read excellent commentary on why the establishment keeps on pushing this deadly vaccine on

Wisconsin sisters say HPV vaccine caused ovaries to stop producing eggs

Read more…
Wisconsin sisters say HPV vaccine caused ovaries to stop producing eggs
Madelyne Meylor, 20, and Olivia Meylor, 19, have filed a federal claim, saying they believe the Gardasil vaccine caused their condition. The Meylors say they have had premature menopause, marked by insomnia, night sweats and headaches, and most likely won’t be able to get pregnant.