Monthly Archives: July 2019

ALERT for humanity: The “perfect storm” for a vaccine HOLOCAUST is now here!

No one is allowed to criticize vaccines. No whistleblowers are covered in the media. No investigative findings can be shared on social media. The cover-up is now complete, and the vaccine industry answers to no one, but hopes to violate everyone.

Mass death has now descended upon us, and it’s all being carried out in the name of “science.”

Transgender girl….adorable…and so smart

This short film is certainly a testimony of the reality of a physiological boy who identifies as a girl in this Christian family.

VLA Comment:

Transgender identity; homosexuality, in many observations, is a result of toxic agriculture causing hormonal disruption in the growing fetus. In Italy and Greece, it was the metal lead, as a hormonal disruptor, in the plumbing of the rich that caused the wave of homosexuality in those countries. Documented extensively by the late Peter Montague of Rachel’s Hazzardous newsletter, homosexuality and now the advanced burden of gender dysphoria has its roots in toxic agriculture. Virtually no one is looking to the Cause.

Texas Court Orders Father to Raise His Son as a Transsexual

Texas: A religious Orthodox Christian father, Jeff Younger, is legally prohibited from raising his son as a boy, under threat of imprisonment, because his ex-wife , who is a pediatrician, claimed their son is a transgender girl. She now is preparing the boy for “chemical castration” at age 8″ and a future sex change surgery, which the father may be forced to help pay for. The boy has a twin brother who is being raised as a boy. Mr. Younger claims that his son has been misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria. READ MORE…

IDAHO Medical Kidnap: Doctor call CPS-takes away child

Brandon McCreery was always a small child, and had always been in the care of his mother, who diligently worked with doctors to find solutions to his medical needs. They moved to Idaho in 2017 in search of better health care. After being diagnosed with influenza, lab tests revealed Brandon had Celiac Disease, which was probably a contributing factor to his constant battle to put on weight. However, a psychological evaluation was ordered and his case was referred to a Child Abuse Specialist at St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in Boise. A short time later, Brandon’s mother was being charged with child abuse, and Brandon became a victim of Medical Kidnapping, where his own voice in the matter was suppressed. His mother was further charged with educational neglect for homeschooling Brandon, and he was forced to attend high school even though he had already fulfilled all high school requirements and graduated at age 16.  READ MORE…

Parkinson Disease-Impending pandemic

Emerging evidence of an impending Parkinson’s disease pandemic identified

Neurological disorders are now the leading cause of disability globally, and the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world is PD, a slowly progressive disorder that affects movement, muscle control, and balance. In 1855, forty years after Dr. James Parkinson first described the condition, approximately 22 people of 15 million in England and Wales died of PD. In 2014, roughly 5,000 to 10,000 individuals of 65 million in the UK died of PD. From 1990 to 2015, the number of people with PD doubled worldwide to over six million. Driven principally by aging, this number is projected to double again to over 12 million by 2040, and additional factors, including increasing longevity, declining smoking rates, ….VLA Comment: How about mass vaccination for nearly every newborn, toddler, child and adolescent….that presents in the majority of the emerging generation neurological and physiological disorders and regressions.

Posted on Jul 4, 2019 in Chronic Disease, Medical Rewind


Global Ruin Through Education (2013 – a classic precursor of UN/Globalist education agenda) TRAILER

Very real today…no longer education to enhance the creative individual but a program to dumb down the populations and create world workers for the globalist and their UN Agenda 21. Not mentioned is the initial and foundational dumbing down of individuals through vaccination in order to soften the field for the mental degradation of preparing individuals for a drone reality. This has reached an incredible zenith of dispair for the future of humanity.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

Terraforming the Earth: Mike Adams

Mike Adams (NATURAL NEWS/THE HEALTH RANGER) discusses terraforming the planet as to make earth inhabitable to an alien species. He will be live in Branson, Missouri, Sept 13-15 for the True Legend Conference with Steve Quayle of which I (VLA founder) intend to go.I am a fan of both Mike Adams and Steve Quayle.

I have also included herein the Lecture of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Christian Clairvoyant and founder of Biodynamic Agriculture, the Waldorf education system and Anthroposophy called the 8th (demonic) sphere. Included in this link is the alert on 5G that appears to be part of plan.