Category Archives: Gardasil HPV Vaccine

Study: HPV serious events

This article critically reviews HPV vaccine serious adverse events described in pre-licensure randomized trials and in post-marketing case series. HPV vaccine randomized trials were identified in PubMed. Safety data were extracted. Post-marketing case series describing HPV immunization adverse events were reviewed. Most HPV vaccine randomized trials did not use inert placebo in the control group. Two of the largest randomized trials found significantly more severe adverse events in the tested HPV vaccine arm of the study.

Read abstract (2017)

2017 STUDY: Current Safety Concerns HPV Vaccine-Serious Adverse Events

A number of safety signals—complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)—have emerged with human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, which share a similar pattern of symptomatology. Previous signal evaluations and epidemiological studies have largely relied on traditional methodologies and signals have been considered individually.


The aim of this study was to explore global reporting patterns for HPV vaccine for subgroups of reports with similar adverse event (AE) profiles.  READ MORE…

GUYANA:  Gov’t should halt HPV vaccination programme, there are better options

Dear Editor,

We are writing to share our concerns about the HPV vaccination campaign that the Guyana Ministry of Public Health has once again re-launched, specifically targeting pre-teen schoolgirls.

NOTE:  LISTED IN THIS LETTER ARE ome specific concerns about HPV and Gardasil that we urge you to review and share, especially with parents of pre-teen and teenage girl children, so that all may become better informed and more able to make a good decision about safeguarding the health of their children. Do note that all this data is from highly reputable, scientifically accurate sources (references are included so that you may check for yourself). READ MORE…


This ABSTRACT ABOVE critically reviews HPV vaccine serious adverse events described in pre-licensure randomized trials and in post-marketing case series. HPV vaccine randomized trials were identified in PubMed. Safety data were extracted. Post-marketing case series describing HPV immunization adverse events were reviewed. Most HPV vaccine randomized trials did not use inert placebo in the control group. Two of the largest randomized trials found significantly more severe adverse events in the tested HPV vaccine arm of the study. READ STUDY…

VLA COMMENT: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS? Compared to 2871 women receiving aluminum placebo!!! 


The panel consensus is that virtually all youngsters receive the HPV vaccine. The CDC and American Cancer Society say that there will be 12,000 cervical cancers diagnosed in the United States each year, among a population of 170 million women. The chances of my daughter being diagnosed in any given year are 12,000 out of 170 million, which works out to .007 percent. The odds of her not being diagnosed in any given year, by the same math, is 99.9929 percent.

Accordingly, the blanket claim that the vaccine has no serious adverse effects should be carefully revisited.ed 10 years later, were actually more likely to be infected with high risk, low risk, and all strains of HPV. The four vaccine strains were reduced- but other, possibly more pathogenic, HPV viruses moved in to fill the void.

The American Center for Cancer Research reported in 2015 that girls who received the four strain HPV shot, when assessA VAERS review of HPV vaccine reports shows

54,105 adverse reactions.

Among those, 2,227 are listed as “disabled,”

10,416 are listed as “did not recover,”

7,418 are listed as “serious,”

and 362 deaths have been reported.

VLA Comment: It is well known that the VAERS reporting is at a 1% level.  Dr. Paul G. King discovered in his research on the flu vaccine concerning a CDC spontaneous abortion study that reported that there were approx. 900 fetal demise reported by Kaiser Permanente covering only the Northern California area.  Dr. King compared that to the VAERS reporting which is required by law that the physicians report the associated vaccine adverse reaction.  He found no reports to VAERS for the same time period.  Can one conclude that if there were 900 reports (in No. California alone) that was not reported to VAERS that the 54,105 adverse reaction reports to VAERS are greatly underestimated?


Medical Kidnap: Outrageous-Doctor gives infant 8 vaccines (including Gardasil)


Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped-Baby taken by CPS

Doctors call it a “medication administration error.” During a routine check-up at her pediatrician’s office, 4-month old Aniya was accidentally given the Gardasil 9 vaccine, and she hasn’t been the same since.  READ MORE…

On the evening of May 2, Child Protective Services came into the hospital and seized custody of baby Aniya. They accused her of Munchausen by Proxy, or medical child abuse, because of her multiple doctor and hospital visits.

She is accused of giving her baby water or diluting formula with water, as an explanation for the low sodium levels. Anita insists that she has never given her baby water, and she used formula as little as possible, preferring breastmilk, pumped milk, and donor milk.



Greg Abbott is the Governor of Texas. He may be reached at (512) 463-2000 or by contacting him here.

Representative Geanie W. Morrison represents the Vasquez family’s district. She may be reached at (512) 463-0456 or contacted here.

Lois Kolkhort is the Senator for their district. She may be reached at (512) 463-0118 or contacted here.

HPV: vaccine proteins mimic human proteins-immune system attacks self

Computer-assisted analysis of molecular mimicry between human papillomavirus 16 E7 oncoprotein and human protein sequences

Definition: Molecular mimicry is defined as the theoretical possibility that sequence similarities between foreign and self-peptides are sufficient to result in the cross-activation of autoreactive T or B cells by pathogen-derived peptides

The ability of the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self molecules is an important property in maintaining tissue/organism integrity.

Molecular mimicry induced autoimmunity can occur when the non-self and host determinants are similar enough to cross-react, yet different enough to break immunological tolerance.

When high degrees of similarity are present between non-self (vaccine proteins) and self molecules, the breaking of the powerful self-tolerance mechanisms that avoid harmful self-reactivity seems unlikely.

Read more…


Molecular Mimicry and food allergies

Vaccine Impact: Another Gal Devastated by HPV Vaccine

Had I Known Then What I Know Now, I Would NEVER Have Allowed my Daughter Anywhere Near HPV Vaccines

Excerpt:  Holly was so poorly that doctors recommended that when she had a period it would be best to be admitted to hospital, sedate her for around 2 days and give her lots of IV anti sickness medication.This worked, Holly went back to school on a part time basis, eventually going back full time. However her energy levels never ever returned, she was still ill and hospitalized for every period she had, she lost her friendship group and was not allowed to go skiing with the school as it was classed as too much of a risk for the school. She was unable to do all the sports she did before because of the fatigue, she would sleep whenever she could, her sporting activity was virtually non-existent.Sadly because Holly’s situation has continued to deteriorate, she is no longer able to attend school. Instead, she is a prisoner in her bedroom; often too exhausted to even get out of bed.  She receives home (2 hours) 1-1 tuition twice a week.  Each session means she is incapable of leaving the house for up to 2 days afterwards. Even so, Holly wants to continue.  Read more…

Young Women are Dying and Losing Their Ability to Have Children after the HPV Vaccine

The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans


The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good

What if you found out today that the worst odds you or your children have of being infected with disease, disorder, and deformity exist in getting injected repeatedly with neurotoxins, genetically modified bacteria, live experimental strains of multiple viruses and pesticides? Consider this: not one single vaccine ever produced that is recommended by the CDC today has ever been proven safe or effective. Why? They don’t have to prove it. All they have to do is scare the living hell out of everyone using propaganda, and it’s worked for 75 years.  READ MORE…